

Phantasm:Loss of Innocence
It all started with the murders. The murders caused a tsunami of rumors to erupt and bury the little town Talisman alive. Nobody made sense every story was as far fetched as the last and none of these stories seemed in the least bit grounded with reality. I am by nature a detective and I've found myself unknowingly unraveling some strange mystery. Children used to play detective for fun but for me it was never a game. I've always been on endless search for answers and I stop at nothing to solve a new mystery.
I have a one track mind when it comes to a good mystery. I am of course your usual detective, I'm a serious Dick Tracey kind of character. The only trouble is I'm a woman .Female detectives are hard to come by especially in a world dominated by men. I started off finding people's lost animals until I was brave enough to deal with people. I don't care for people too much but I tolerate them fairly well. Anyway my name is M.T Glory , full name Magenta Twickham Gloriana. Age 27 ,height 5"10, weight 155, eyes brown, squished nose and masculine forehead. I look like a Klingon half blood. I'm wiry, fiercely active and incredibly fit. I'm all muscle. Enough about that ,let's talk about the case.
I saw the body they carried out that day. The body was a mass of what looked like melted rubber and the every single bone was missing. They found that little freak show in the girl's bathroom of a exclusive private school just outside Talisman. There were some dense woods nearby that many of the students labelled as the Forbidden Forest. It was complety off bounds for all students to enter. They would tell those kids it was private property. I know for a fact not a inch of that forest belongs to anybody because I've done extensive research on it in the past. When I was a journalist working for the Talisman Times I had to write an article on it as boring as that may sound I actually spent the night in those woods. The woods were rumored to be haunted. My boss told me he wouldn't have my article published unless I actually investigated those woods firsthand. So I grabbed a sleeping bag and I bought a small tent and camped out there for the night.
I wrote down everything I saw and heard. The article was as success. So the Talisman Times sent me on all sorts of missions to explore old houses and abandoned areas with permission of course beforehand. It was then that I realized my true path and I know it lead me to become a private eye detective.
It wasn't easy but my sharp mental capabilities and immense fearlessness in the field has given me quite a fine reputation.
I am somewhat a danger junkie and I have some real ninja skills. I know how to pick locks and I'm quite capable of defending myself during to the fact that I've taken every self defense class there is out there, not to mention the all the countless tai chi, yoga and Karate lessons I've had in the past.
There was this one teacher that claimed he could control any object with his mind. I stopped going to that class cause I don't believe in any of that meditation nonsense.
I tried his methods once and I didn't have to meditate. The guy was obviously an idiot. Moving objects with your mind doesn't take years of practice ,it just take less than an hour.
Some people have to make things so complicated.
I've been able to use a few jedi mind tricks on a few people that's why the police don't question me very often. Lately I've been able to enter crime scenes without being noticed. When I don't want people to see me they usually don't. It's a weird gift I have besides the telekenis stuff. I'm not psychic but I do have senses about certain things especially whewhen it comes to people. I know a bad egg when I see one. I also know when there's danger. There was a strange creamy liquid on the bathroom floor that looked like velveeta but it smelled of formaldehyde.
There also seems to be red puddle on the floor that seems never be mopped up. The janitor just cleaned it but the liquid keeps returning to that spot.
It reeks of blood. Nobody comes to use this bathroom anymore and the janitor has refused to clean this place any longer. He saw someone in the mirror. The mirror was badly damaged. It looked as if some one had smashed it with their fist. He however claimed he had never touched the mirror. He saw a man staring at him through the mirror. At first he thought it was simply a reflection but to his horror the image was part of the mirror not the background behind him.
The face was austere scowling and pallid. It was a ghostly face that had menacing wrinkles etched upon his countenance. He had grey hair that offered very little coverage on top but curved down the sides of his head.
He had huge eyebrows and he was extremely tall and painfully thin.
I know the full description because I've seen him. I've seen this monster that that janitor spoke of.
I don't know what he is but he definitely isn't human and he's certainly not native to this world.
I want to know who that man is that came from the mirror. Who is he? What does he want? Why are certain bodies disappearing? Is he possibly behind the series of murders?

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