

cause i meant literally nothing to you </3
I always thought you'd be mine and I guess that was the worst misunderstanding i ever had ! It's true what people say, that fate doesn't always favour you but I'm happy atleast you have an idea about it, atleast you know there's someone who loves you unconditionally, selflessly.
Actually I did not plan to write this but it's not easy to carry all these thoughts in your mind all the way pretending you're happy and contented.

I knew that 'us' together is just in my dreams. But my love for you wasn't something that'd end with your' no'. True love is like that right ? I wish you'd have noticed it.
I always knew you'd never love me but that little talks between us out of nowhere gave me hope to atleast think of us. Anyhow,that was in my imagination and i don't think that it's gonna be true by any chance.
I was just wondering if ever I could become a part of your life.
I know I'm too young to think of it and so are you but who knew I would love someone so badly at such a young age.

I never ever thought of anybody else like I think of you. Since we met nobody ever took the place that you have in my heart and my life.

If only you would have loved me in the same way it would have been something different.
I always imagine myself with you but your act always make me regret.
Each and every action of yours make me feel I loved the wrong person.
I keep thinking why am I not the person you choose, why am I not that special person in your life, or maybe i was, in the past ? that didn't last long, right ?

But you know what I don't think I can get over you so easily and maybe won't even love anyone else again.
Sometimes I feel like I'm doing something wrong but then realise the next moment that love doesn't see right or wrong, does it?
And i guess there's nothing wrong in loving someone, especially one sidedly.

You know what, everytime I see you with somebody else i question myself that ....why not me ??
You have no idea what I've done to keep you close but, even if you'll know, I guess that won't bother you because you never cared and i dont think you will.
You'd just never understand my feelings....Even if you did you won't be able to handle it unless you had the same.

But all these past days whether you be with me or not you have always been irreplaceable in my life. But you know what hurts the most.....seeing you get along with others so well without me ! By others you might know whom I refer, right? there's no need to explain i know.
But anyways, it doesn't matter, coz I mean literally nothing to you ! Where I go, what I do, what I like, what I don't, you care about nothing right .
So that was all my clear misunderstanding that you ever thought about me for a min. Actually you didn't even for second, i know i was wrong, i was wrong every moment i thought you can be mine.No you don't belong to me and I guess you never will !

Excuse me, i am not done yet ...ik you never had time to hear me out nor you have rn but i still have a lot more what makes me feel guilty and insecure about.
i still wonder was i really a doll to you that just came out when all other toys were busy huh ? why was i always included in the ttyl list whenever someone else arrived? was i only an option to you?
uhh i guess that's obvious now.

Actually I wanted to ask you, Did you ever missed me? like once until now ? cause i really do ! I miss you every single day and your thoughts make every night sleepless. I miss the old you , and the old us ? Do you even remember how we used to be yeahh in the 'past ' ? no right? ofc you won't why would that even matter to you. Cause i meant literally nothing to you !

Actually I learnt a lot in this ...I learnt how to find reasons to stop thinking of you, i learnt how to not love you loving you the most, i learnt to sacrifice for love, most important i got to know people can change even if they promise they won't.

you might think it's a joke, ofc you will ....but you know these can be someone's regrets for the entire life, the regrets i collected myself . That arose from a love that never existed. But everything is gone right ? we're left with nothing now. And now all you do is make me regret every moment of remembering you.