

Inside, episode 1
Her smile melted the cold souls of people. Her words were just like a medicine; it heals the hearts of the broken. She was wise, warm and full of kindness---she was just like an angel for some people.
There's a saying said; the person who gave the most advice was the person who has the most problem.
Well, that's what happens.
It was as usual; busy, Monday. She was sitting on the bench, working on all the works that supposed to be worked on by the owner---she was just too fragile, too naive, or maybe even too 'stupid.' Why would she have to do the works that she could say "no" to? Why? Why? Why!!??

She was just too afraid to 'scratch' their heart---for real.
she never thought about her own heart, her own life. Why would she even want to live their life? Why would she even give up on her dreams, on someone she likes just for her best friend and on all the things she deserved? Why?

Well, she knew it all, but she said "It's fine, it's okay. They deserve it more than I do.", " Okay, no problem.", "Okay, I'll do that.", " Sorry..".

It can't even be described---it's a lot...really.

Girl, do you even know what you're saying? Do you even know what you're doing? Have you ever think about yourself?

Sure, the answer was obvious. She didn't know or maybe she did, but she was just too stupid to think that way---Kindness doesn't work that way; you're just beating yourself up.

Why can't you even give a little love to your heart?
It's begging for a little self-love---please, give it even a little.

© WindahL.