

why she hated men and sex?
please read every single word or else the pain is in vain

the only best friend I have except my mom, is my life, I would be nothing if these women wouldn't have been with me since my childhood.

she is such a jolly sweet sober naughty gentle poetic imaginative thoughtful blessed and a really beautiful and shy sexy woman.....
wait she is also my bestie, don't forget that

once she was in her maternal relative's place.
it was just about to be dusk.
she and her cousins (brothers) were playing hide and seek inside their house.
and as the house was big enough, they seemed to have quite a fun time.

now she and her other brothers were to hide and one of the brother was to search and tag them.

now her brother came found her and he saw an opportunity and as he knew even if she screams with a surprising voice, the other brothers won't come out as they were to hide.

and he grabbed her by her breasts from behind and presses rhem hard like a rapist would do and all of a sudden.....

with a hand, he shut her mouth with his huge palm and with no mercy or shame or any remorse in his heart he pulled up her frock to her waist and put his hands in her panty and forcefully started rubbing her vagina as hard as he could and with all hi might. and started to press his fingers inside her vagina.

the moment she realised she was about to be raped, she fought with her might to save her self respect and it was not an easy thing to defy her elder cousin who had bigger and stronger body as compared to her.

she became no less than a goddess and moved his hands from her mouth. and tried to scream. he was afraid and left her of fear.
she with her bra and panty both half removed and deshaped on her body, with her frock in a half worn condition, she ran to her parents to the down stairs.

ahe was again shocked and mentally and physically both ways traumatized and afraid of what just happened in such a brief period of time
she realised that she should tell her mom or dad about it.
but here comes the most pathetic part of our society, children's are prohibited to talk about their pain, trauma, failures, distress regarding SEX.

how painful it was for her only she knew.
she couldn't even tell her parents. as because her parents were not at all open minded, rather very much strict about any and everything.
she was confused and horrified with what just happened. neither could she go and cry and tell her mother what happened.
nor could she yell and cry or go and slap her brother
because to her mother and father, her cousin's family were sacred and respectful.
but in reality it was so very opposite.

it's a shame when brothers tey to rape their own sisters. and this is a complete Indian story. in India we are prohibited to talk and speak about a lot of things, specially about sexual stuffs.

brothers acquire an affinity for their sisters and imagine them to be as an object of sex. and then all sort of disgusting issues start to bubble up in their underwear.

nodoubt I have seen guys masturbating to their sister's panties
but when they are in front of each other as in person. they are so well mannered and well behaved as if they are all saints.

it broke my heart after she told this incident to me.
we are childhood friends and it was more shocking to me to know that she couldn't even tell this to her bf. she is afraid that if she ever tells this to him. he might misunderstand her and leave her. or over think as if ahe literally had sex with her them.

but I am sure if he trusts her, he would support and love her more for being such a brave woman.
if I being a best friend can love her more than anybody, I expect her bf to understand her past and trauma.

please people don't rape someone.
rape is not a relationship or an act of dignity
it's a disgust and bad action

I am happy that I could be the man and bestie in her life, who never judged her
I am happy that I have such a wonderful brave and beautiful woman in my life.

I love you MP.
I am so proud of you buddy.
I Love you more than you love me.
My friendship and devotion and loyalty will never change for you baby.
I luv you.
if you were not committed, I would have married you by tomorrow.
and given you a place next to my mom's throne.
But I am more than happy and proud of myself to be your guide,teacher, brother and a bestie.
I am so proud of you my beloved.
© M.P