

Standing by the door of the moving train and looking outside at the houses, trees and the land itself that was moving away from him, he thought to himself, not just his friends but everything is moving away from him. He stood there thinking , and almost forgetting that it was him that was standing in the moving train.

'Is this what life leaves you?' , he asked a rhetorical question to a stranger standing next to him.
'yes for now! ' the stranger said eating the samosa in his hand.
He was not capable of appreciating the sense of humour at this moment. He continued ruminating how this happened? this was not what he planned when he moved to this city 5 years ago.
The first few months were tough. He is not convivial person. He takes his time to make friends.
He finally made friends with common interests and share same opinions about life. He thought he would spend the rest of his life in this city living as close as possible to his friends.
Then slowly life happened. Like all things in life he got bored with the city, he had too move on.
At this moment, he realized that it was he,who was moving away from everyone. He was standing in the moving train. It was his illusion that life left him alone where as he has been running to be alone all his life.