

"Beautiful Border Collie."
Ashfur threw the frisbee making Hawkeye go after it. "Good boy!" Ashfur praised, proud of how fast he had learned to catch a frizbee. A ball rolling on the ground made the young male purebred Border Collie go after it, usually in harness he would leave things that were rolling alone but since he was off and fully into play-mode Hawk didn't think the rules applied. "Drop it Hawk!" Ashfur called trying to get the ball from his mouth which made Hawkeye play keep-away with it. "That's not yours." Ashfur said trying to grab his dog by the collar. "Oh. It's okay. He's so pretty." Someone said. "Thank you." Ashfur said. "I've been looking for a home for Widow for a couple weeks now no one wants a reactive dog, she's not aggressive at all but she needs to work on other dogs." She said. Ashfur looked to Keiran. "We'd have no problem working with her and finding her a home." He said as Keiran nodded. Widow snapped at Hawkeye making him back up. "Sorry." Kate said. "No. It's okay." Ashfur said. "We have a large kennel that she'll stay in when she's not muzzled so the other dogs are safe." Keiran said. Kate nodded. "Thank you." She said. Ashfur nodded. "I know he's going to freak out when you take him but I don't want her possibly snapping at you so I want you to take Hawk." Ashfur said. Keiran nodded taking Hawkeye's leash. Ashfur looked at his phone and rolled his eyes. "What is it?" Keiran asked. "My stupid father is blowing up my phone asking if your with me and when we're coming back." Ashfur said. "Ignore him." Keiran said. Ashfur nodded. "We haven't had a night out just you and me in forever." He said. "I know." Keiran said.
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