

Dance Off challenge
Mia is a shy girl but Her inspiration of drawings were always liked by people. Some other girls would bully her for her shyness and also be jealous of her awesome drawings. One day after school they saw her at a shop they called out "hey are you that girl who can draw so good " Mia was frightened but she answered yes anxiously. "Well since you can draw can you dance right" asked one of the girls " No I can't dance" answered Mia ." Ok I have a deal for you go home practice until Monday at the forbidden yard for the dance of challenge with Ciara over here". "Ok I will try" answered Mia. Although Mia could draw she couldn't dance. Because of those girl jealousy they want to see her dance. Mia asked herself " why would they want me to dance ". But anyways she went home and practice until 5min to 10 min off her favorite songs everyday. Monday came. In the evening the girls went to the forbidden yard with some other kids to judge. " dance off challenge starts in 3 2 1 " Go Ciara. After Ciara dances it was Mia time Mia dances. Afterwards it was time to judge. " Be honest who dances the best". " honestly I think it's Mia 80 percent for her I think 75 percent for Ciara ". Mia dances so good everyone voted for her. This makes the girls even more jealous. Mia couldn't believe it. The girls didn't mine her again. Afterwards she began to compete in drawing competition and dance off challenges.

Moral: It's ok to have more than one talent even a million everyone has a talent
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