

The Silver Bullet : Chapter Two "Maybe the future"
As I arrived in Laredo I could feel the warm sunshine and the Texas wind blowing in my face.
I hadn't been in Laredo an hour when I realized all I had to my name was fifty bucks and a Silver Bullet my grandmother had given me.

I needed to find myself a place to live and way to make some money.

So I started walking up and down the streets of Laredo looking for a place to stay and a way to make me some money.

When I then came across this big fella that did not have the best intentions on his mind.

"Who the hell may you be Stranger?"

As this tall 6'7 mountain of a man approached me letting me know that he didn't
take to kindly to me snooping around the town.

" I am Sam, Sam Dakota and Sir who may you be?"

"Well I'm not someone looking to steal something"

I had really taken the remarks about my character in not such a good light, but also knew I didn't want to fight this man.

"Sir, I don't mean to offend you, especially a big man such as your self, but I have no intentions of stealing anything I am looking for a place to stay and way to make some money"

He looked at me with a half smile and said

"Well I reckon it ain't no harm a man looking to take care of himself.
If your serious about wanting to make some money and a place to stay.
The Weatherstein Ranch has been looking for a cook for the past few weeks."

" By chance there wouldn't be a Julie Weatherstein staying at the Weatherstein Ranch?"

"I take it you've met the self proclaimed Queen of Laredo?"

" Is that what you all call her out here?"

" No we don't, that's what she and her daddy thinks she is, but don't let that bother you.
You need a job and a place to stay if you can cook Carl Weatherstein will have no problem paying you what you're worth"

"Exactly, where do I find this ranch?"

"About 15 miles west of here in that direction.
It might do you some good to rent yourself a horse for five dollars and ride out there"

"Well I better start walking because I might need my money if Carl doesn't like my cooking"

"No need to walk I'll get my buckboard and take you out there"

As we rode out to the Weatherstein Ranch I begin to learn about Laredo.

It had been founded by the Spaniards in the 1700s controlled by the Mexican government in the 1800's and now was ruled by hired guns and and corrupt law men.

Who had worked together to kill Businessman, Ranchers, legitimate lawmen and public officials in their quest to control every in aspect of Southwest Texas from politics to trade.

Laredo was a town where decent people lived in fear.

The good stayed away and criminals and the corrupt of the worse kind ruled and ran Laredo for the past forty something years.

It was also the place that had killed Billy Crockett cousin of Davey Crockett , Douglas Dillion,Trey Williams, George Houston and countless numbers of good upstanding lawmen from Texas to Kansas and from Texas to Arizona.

These honorable men had been ambushed by a secret organization that was founded in Laredo in the 1850's.

This secret unnamed group had a collection of corrupt Businessman, attorneys, judges, lawmen and hired guns.
For the sole purpose of making profits from stealing tax money and from illegally obtaining and selling prime real estate all over the West.

These men and their families had made themselves wealthy and respectable.

They were by all means untouchable

While their names should have been put on wanted posters for larceny, fraud and murder.

Instead these men along with their families were being celebrated in society.

Their children had gone to the East to become attorneys, doctors and successful business people.

All while their fathers and grandfather's were nothing more then criminals disguised in robes of righteousness. In order to decieve a gullible public.

Upon hearing this I said to my friend giving me a ride to the Weatherstein Ranch I said

"You seem to know a lot.
May I ask how do you know if Carl isn't a member of this group? According to what you're telling me he and his family have done pretty good over the years.?

Without another word being spoken the buckboard came to a complete stop and my big friend took a moment to clear his throat.

"Now I figure by sizing you up. Sam.
Your not much a fighter, maybe a trouble maker with a big mouth, but I don't believe your completely stupid.
You look like the kind of fella that likes to go on living.
So if I were you I wouldn't be concerned about what Carl does.
lf you do your job well you'll get paid well. Where Carl gets his money to pay you.
Is none of your concern.
Don't get yourself killed trying to make it your concern."

I had gotten the message loud and clear keep my mouth shut and do my job.
Don't be a hero unless you wanted to be a dead one.

Arriving at the Ranch

As we arrived in front of the Ranch house a tall man about my size 6'2 and about 180 met us.

He was Dan Buck Carl Weatherstein's foreman. He was in charge of the Cow hands on Carl's Ranch.

I later found out that Dan was also a hired gun that took care of business that Carl didn't want to take care of.

" Sheriff, who do you got here?"
"Dan, this is Sam Dakota he came out here to see if you still need a cook and if there is a bed in the bunk house still available?"

" Sam, if you can cook you'll have more work then you can handle. Come on I 'll introduce you to Mr.Weatherstein"

As I got off the Buckboard and dust myself off I turned and looked at my friend

"How come you never told me you were the Sheriff of Laredo and how come you don't wear a Badge?"

"You never asked me, Sam and secondly I don't like being shot at.
Lawmen around these parts are endanger species.
No need for me to encourage my own death by wearing big silver shinny badge"

"I guess I can't blame you for how you do things, Sheriff?"

"Sheriff David Dublin.
Now Sam if you want that job and a place to sleep you best stop talking to me and go with Dan here to see Mr. Weatherstein"

That would be the last time I would see the Sheriff.

Six days later Sheriff Dublin would be shot to death in his bed along with his wife.

Apparently he was notifying someone in the Governor's mansion what was happening in Laredo.

Apparently he had told the wrong person and Carl and his group of cronies found about it.

Meeting Carl

"Sam, I hear your a cook. Is that true?"

"Yes, it is true. Mr.Weatherstein I can definitely cook. Is there anything in particular that you got a taste for?"

"Sam, I think I am going to like you. You actually believe you know how to cook"

"Mr Weatherstein I may not know how to ride, shoot or rope cattle, but I can make some good food to eat"

"Sam, don't you worry about riding, roping or shooting.
You just make sure the food around here is good to eat.
And Dan get the word out.
If anyone takes a shot at Sam our cook I want them hung on the spot."

"Mr. Weatherstein I suspect you feel the same way about your wife"

"Sam, don't get me wrong I love Annabelle, but if I had to live off of Annabelle's cooking I would be dead from starvation.
Sam, If Anna gets herself shot and maybe she will. As you know we can only hope for the best.
The truth being Sam,
I can always go to town and get me another woman.
I can't go to town and get me another cook"

"Daddy, What a terrible thing to say about momma"

"Baby girl I am just joking about Momma"

"Daddy, only if I believe that you were"

"Baby girl I got someone I want you to meet"

"Daddy, I already know who this is this is the tenderfoot I told you about.
Sam, I guess you found your future keeping Daddy well fed and fat.

"Sam, you can start in the morning make sure Breakfast is ready by 6 am"

"Mr. Weatherstein I thank you sincerely for the job and maybe Julie is right. Maybe this is my future, but there is something I have to do for my grandmother first."

"Sam what would that be? "

"Mr. Weatherstein my grandmother ask me to visit someone who is burried at the grave yard. Here in Laredo.
If you don't mind Mr. Weatherstein I'd like to do that first before I started working"

"Sam, I have waited almost a month for a cook I can wait one more day. I'll have Julie take you out to the grave yard in the morning."

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