

This Is An Emotive Question.
The new Health Minister O'Chaka from the country Warundaq was recently asked a series of questions by a news reporter about his 2023 Healthcare Masterplan.

Reporter: Mr. O'Chaka, what do you think about the recent public opinion concerning your Healthcare Masterplan?

O'Chaka: I would like to think that they're generally favorable towards this Masterplan at about 70% approval rating by Poll-Up nationwide survey. Good number.

Reporter: But Mr. O'Chaka, wouldn't you think that 80% and above is more favorable and the number that you should actually aim for?

O'Chaka: I agree.

Reporter: Then, why aren't you and/or your ministry's machineries aim for that number in the first place?

(This time, Health Minister O'Chaka was a little irritated.)

O'Chaka: We've tried our very best in our health initiatives, but we really can't control the outcome. We believe in integrity, so we're not massaging the results in any way.

Reporter: Mr. O'Chaka, what are the strategies you've in place to gain the remaining 30% of public votes, moving forward?

O'Chaka: This is an emotive question. Again, I would like to say that we can only do our best the next time around. Am I God to even predict the outcome?

Reporter: Noted on that. Well, Mr. O'Chaka, do you or your ministry think that you're marginalizing any sector or group when formulating the Healthcare Masterplan?

O'Chaka: This is another emotive question. I don't understand this ridiculous question. Which sector or group do you have in mind when you asked this question?

Reporter: I don't, which means that you'll have to tell me, Mr. O'Chaka.

O'Chaka: This is an emotive statement. Why must I tell you?!! Who the f**k you think you are?!!

After that, Health Minister O'Chaka angrily took the reporter's microphone, hurled it to the ground and smashed it into pieces. The next day, every news bulletin state that Prime Minister Wa'Zoma welcomed an official visit from Prime Minister T'Chala from the country, Wakanda, where Prime Minister T'Chala gave some suggestions to Prime Minister, Wa'Zoma on how to handle this urgent public relations' nightmare.

The following day, Health Minister O'Chaka was swiftly removed from office and into police custody for attempting to assault a journalist. And his name was permanently scrubbed from all the official records of Warundaq.

Indeed, a person's tongue itself is a restless fire from hell. It's a world of sin in itself that defiles the whole body and ruin the person's whole reputation, career and life, if not properly guarded.

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