

Fake or true love
Chapter 1- When we think of love ,what is the first thing that occurs in your mind ?There is no proper definitions of love.Love can be explained or defined in many forms .For examples:1-love between you parents, siblings, 2-falling in love with someone who will be your soulmate in the near future,3-love for your pet,art ,hoobies etc so this is a never ending topic. Now keeping aside all kinds of love ,the most awaited love that every human being wants to cherish once in their lifetime is to meet their true soulmate. And you know what if you are destined to meet you soulmate even if you find that the whole universe is against it ,but eventually you will meet your soulmate. But also there is a bitter sweet reality that all fated soulmate doesn't end up together like a "happy ending ".But love is also a posion as well as a cure. I look at the window ,watching as how the rain droplets strike on the window pane making an amusing sound like ...pitter patter.As well as thinking about the past events that happened to me(lost in thoughts) .Cristin !!!! a Male voice called me bringing me back to reality .Are you alright ,he asked me .Out of sheer concern. I'm fine I answered back .After seeing him my dear friend Noah I recalled how I met him 2 years ago and all his six other friend but in different circumstances. My name is Christin Raphel Marget.Age 19years old I am a Nepalese by birth but I was adopted by an Irish couple after the accident. Both our family had a major accident in which both my parents passed away and my froster parents lost their daughter so and just like that fate brought us together.I am really grateful to them for raising me as their daughter.I'm just an ordinary girl........So do others think .Well actually I do have a little secret.