

Excerpt #5 from "The Gnome Wars" a Novel by Richard C. Strong
Excerpt from The Gnome Wars.......

This is Dick Comestrong reporting live

I'm at the local hospital where the scene is chaos. The injured and dying are being brought in every few minutes. A makeshift morgue has been set up to handle those who have perished in this ongoing nightmare . The ferocity of the attacks by the gnomes can be seen in the injuries coming in. We're mostly seeing massive tissue damage, blood loss and the loss of limbs. We've also had a number of decapitations where it appears these things try to burrow there way into the chest cavity through the neck.

Reports of body desicration continue to come in. John, I just saw a group of these things urinating all over a group of bodies in a yard. They were dancing around as if having a party. Little pointy hats and robes were almost cute if not for the blood stains..

#Gnomes #Horror #Fantasy