

Sometimes you meet somebody and you just like them. You wait for a long time to get the things that you want out of life. You sit around praying for just the right person your other half.
And then not even looking for them you meet. Something inside just knows I can't tell you what it is, it just know. It's the same way when you like doing something you just like it
swimming, biking, hiking, dancing maybe writing.
No matter what it is it fits in you it's your thang.
Now I met Nick just a month ago but I know.
Nick is a somewhat of an older lawyer nice looking nice dress but what is so important to me is the man is sweet.
I'm not talking about him being materially giving or anything like that.
I'm talking about he's there all there, when I think about him he fills my brain.
I could lay in his arms and it's like I just can't get close enough I want more
I really don't know much about him but I like that I do know.
His way of sitting, standing, walking, talking the way he handle things.
The care that takes scares me because some can show you just what you want and be tripping and tipped all at the same time.
You know you don't want to let some in on what you feel sometimes because they get the big head.
Thursday evening the phone rang it was him hello, I said
Hey I need you to pick me up in the morning I'm catching 9:00 El from York I'll be there Lees at 10.
The spare truck key is on my night stand by the bed he said.
Sure I've never riden the El before but some enjoy the ride. All that night my mind wouldn't rest it being curious about the El. The next morning my spirit was restless I wanted to know.
I got there a little before 8 parking in front I walked in the depo.
Morning can I get a round trip ticket to York I asked. When I got on the train I noticed that a person can walk from one car to another. I starting walking to find the best car one not so crowded. As I looked I could feel the motion as the train hit every crosstie.
In a car with hardly any passingers I sat down at the end waiting on something crazy to happen. Nothing happened, almost to York I noticed that it felt like a heart beat. My heart had sped keeping up with the train.
The train passed by York about 8:45 going into Stocks to turn around where more passingers got off the train. Now the car we're almost empty
It started again I could feel the heart beat of the train. Boop, boop, boop, boop it got faster. All the passingers got on including Nick my soul stirred. I went to the car where he was sitting to see if he would notice me.
Nick looked up his eyes has this cold stare kinda sad looking. We didn't say anything I started a walk back to my car knowing he would follow. The train picked up speed in it's usually
klick klack it's heart beat.
I stood at back wall right at the door
with my head kinda down watching him as he found me. Us still silent he leaned against the wall beside me locking his fingers in mine squeezing.
His left found it's way between mine
as he pulled me against him.
My body started that thing sending emotions throughout the entire thing being uncontrollable.
My hands pulled at his shirt taking it out of his pants. Now on his stomach my hand rubbed from his navel his middle above his belt. As he leaned in harder I buried my face in his back inhaling him in. My body aching almost to tears me pulling him to me.
As the train wobble he held me in the corner against the wall kissing from my mouth slowly down my neck over and over. Me trembling his right hand slipped down my back pressed right above my hips forcing me closer on the warmth of his body. trembled
Remembering where we were my hands pushed at waist making him remember.
His now moist hands were warm as they found my waist not to go further we being in public.
Out of being in public I trembled to a seat forcing my body to behave and go
I twitched crossing from leg to leg trying to control the feelings my body wanted.

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