

My Crush
It was lunch time so i went to the cafeteria to get my lunch when my crush approached me. I was very anxious but still summoned my courage and spoke to him. He asked me out on a date. Me being very shy refused to go out with him and told him to give me time to think about it. When the school close for the day, he approached me again and ask me if am done thinking about it and what my response was. So i said yes to him. I was so happy that i told my friends all about it.
The next day was Saturday. I did all my chores on time because I had a date to catch. I couldn't believe everything that was happening to me. I have been in love with him for 3 years and finally its a dream come true. I picked the most beautiful dress in my wardrobe and set out to meet my date. We had a nice and lovely day as he finally ask me out which i said yes to.