

Part 16
Chapter 40

General Kamine hired a white delivery van. Aunty was in the passenger seat, the General was driving. Mei, Merylin, Kazuto and I were sitting at the back. The tension in the car is thick enough that you can literally see it. It was a thirty minute drive from Le Havre to Paris. We entered the city of love, soon to become a city of complete chaos. The streets were quiet. I get that it's 7am in the morning but I doubt Paris would be this quiet, its unheard of. A jolt of energy surged through my body, it's a jolt I know I've felt before, something is definitely wrong.
'Something's off.' I said grabbing everyone's attention.
'What's up?' Kazuto asked.
'Its way too quiet, even for Paris. I get that it's early in the morning but we stopped seeing people about a few minutes ago.'
'Now that you mention it, it is weird.' Aunty said looking outside the window.
'Shit! This is bad.' I said as I was startled by the jolt of energy again.
'What is it?' Merylin asked this time.
'What is Black doing here? I can sense him and—.' Before I could finish my sentence a man holding an RPG missile launcher stood in the middle of the road approximately 50 metres from us.
'EVERYONE OUT!' I yelled as I kicked the doors open while pulling Mei's hand. We took cover just in time. The van went up with a bang and came crashing down. It's an ambush. They were ready for us. Is Black behind this? Or is it Chizuro? I'll get to them later, for now I have to kill all these soldiers if I am to get to them.
'GENERAL!' My Aunts cry snapped me out of my trance. Mei squeezed my hand in fear, Kazuto, Merylin and Aunty were taking cover inside the one of the restaurants. I looked around and saw that General Kamine wasn't around. I managed to locate a burning body inside the burning van.
'He didn't make it out. Damnit!' I tilted my head in respect.
'WHERE ARE THE WEAPONS?' I yelled across towards Aunty who was in the opposite direction but it didn't reach her, the sound of gunfire drowned out my voice. Mei tugged at my hand. I turned and looked at her.
'I picked your bag up a while ago. The weapons were in the car. This is all I could save.' My bag never had books, all it ever had were weapons and I'm glad she knew that. I opened the bag and took out my Katana and Beretta M9 and signalled to Mei to stay put. Time to attack.

Chapter 41

My vision slowed everything down, my hearing was muffled. I was in full killing mode. Without hesitation I jumped out of cover and ran toward the others across the road from where I was. Evading and cutting every bullet in my way, I made it without a scratch.
'Shiro! Looks like they beat us to it.' Aunty said grabbing my shoulder.
'I know. There's no time to waste. I spotted 70 soldiers all in very difficult positions but you and I Aunty, can take them out. Kazuto and Merylin, you take Mei and head to Manceau, I'm sure you know where it is. You'll find a women in her twenties with an eye patch feeding birds. Tell her "Reaper's got fire" she'll help you out with weapons. Come back as soon as you have them. Aunty and I will cover you. Use the back alley to get there and take Mei with you.' They both nodded in unison and readied their pistols. I signalled to Aunty to get ready, she pulled out 2 Smith and Wesson 9mm models.
'3,2,1, GO!' With that count down Aunty and I jumped out of cover and began shooting in the direction of the soldiers. Kazuto and Merylin ran toward Mei, took her and ran. Our cover worked, now to eliminate.
'Aunty, remember Brazil?!' She nodded with a smile.

We were once involved in such a situation. Aunty and I had to rescue the Japanese embassador from a terrorist group in Brazil. We were ambushed and the only way to take them out was head on.

'Zig zag right?!' She prepared herself.
'Yeah! I'll provide cover and go straight for them. You take out the distracted ones!' With a nod we got out of cover. I cut every bullet headed my way shot when I got the chance. We ran in a zig zag formation making it hard for them to shoot us. Our speed was a great advantage. I reached them. Cut them as I kept my body as low as possible, 10 bullets left. Shot through two. 8, shot one. 7, shot through four, cut and cut and cut and cut and sliced and stabbed and sliced and stabbed. 35 down, 35 still standing. I was focused on seeing them on the ground—dead. I ran while evading and cutting their bullets along with whoever was in my way. I got behind them all. Their attention was focused on me. As they were about to take their shots at me, ten started falling to the ground. Their attention was divided. Who to shoot? Me or Aunty. Their confusion made an excellent opening, I burst with speed toward them. Heads began flying all over the the place. Blood spraying.
'Enemies have been neutralized.' Aunty giggled with excitement, 'that was an excellent workout. Don't you think so Shiro?' She's a completely different person when she kills. Like a kid at a candy store. You'd swear she wasn't the person who was saddened by an old friends death just a moment ago.
I kneeled over one of the bodies to examine who they were working for. I recognised the logo on their attires immediately. It's the AOA's. This is the special militia unit, Why are they here?
'Looks like Kuro is here, no doubt.' Aunty's voice retuned to normal and her eyes were even more bright crimson red. She was angry. It looks like the blood bath we just created isn't enough. There's still more— much more.
Now to find the others and Volpe, we need to prepare for the real battle.