

First Love...♡

Sitting on the first desk of my class I am all alone. It feels weird, I never wanted to come here. I was happy in my old school, I had friends, memories, and favourite teachers. Being an introverted feeling super weird and nervous, I'm sitting trapped in my thoughts. Suddenly class door opens and students start coming into the classroom. Some of them are not noticing me, and some are looking at me so surprisingly as if I am a ghost.
"Hey, I am Pihu"a girl comes to me and sits beside me.
"Hey, I am Aisha" I muffled
"Can you sit on that desk (pointing at the desk behind us), my friend sits here daily, we always sit beside each other, can you......." Pihu said.
"You didn't ask me anything and just said to go somewhere else, why? You don't want to be my friend? And why should I sit somewhere else? Why? I am already sitting here, you go to your friend" muffling in my mind.
"OK!" I said.
"Hi, I am Khushi" the girl on the second desk greets me with a bright smile and a soft look in her eyes.
" You are Aisha"
"Where are you from?"
" Brah Kalan"
"Oh.. we are from the same village"
"She is Mira, she is also from our village. " Khushi introduces a girl.
Mira is smiling so brightly at me. She seems happy to see me.
"Hi Mira"
"Hi...." with a Grin.
All of this time my eyes are finding a girl Tannu. She is supposed to be in my class. Yesterday, I met her near my house but because it was dark I didn't know what she looked like. I asked some students about her but everyone is saying that there is no girl named Tannu in our class. I am confused and upset.
At lunchtime, I am with a group of friends. Pihu, Anjali(Pihu's friend), Khushi, Mira and Diksha. They are good to me, but I have an instinct that they don't like me, well I also don't like Pihu and Anjali, they seem rude to me. They all are very good friends, they know each other from kindergarten, and I feel like the odd one out. I want to escape from here to my old school, and old friends, I am already missing them, how am I supposed to study here for years?
After finishing the school today, I am ready to go home, running towards the bus stop,
"Heyyyyy.... stop.. stop....stop...sto............ouch.. ouuu..ouch... blood, it is already a bad day, what else has to happen today?" I fell while running behind my bus.
"Are you okay?" a guy asked me while giving his hand.
"Not really" me while standing but not looking at him.
"Ohh... It's a lot of blood" he cleans blood from my knee with water in his bottle and then ties his hanky to the wound.
"It's okay, you don't have to do that." 'What a gentleman' in my mind.
"Hey....you are that new student in our class."
"Yes, but I don't think I saw you in the class." He is handsome.
"Ohhh....I am in another section." *Grinn*
"Ohkk.....then how do you know me."
"Well, I have friends in section A, BTW what's your name?"
"Aisha, and yours".
"Pranav." Such a good name.
"Thank you for help, Pranav".
"It's okay, well that route bus comes after every 15 minutes, you can catch next."
"Ohk, Thanks a lot for your help today, I will return your hanky yesterday."
He is standing beside me waiting for his bus, I am looking at him so desperately, his hair is a complete mess floating in the air on his forehead, thick eyebrows, glossy lips, brown skin, and deep dark brown eyes.
'His eyes are so beautiful' *in my mind*
I have been looking at him for the past 5 minutes, and suddenly he looks back at me. I look away at the same second.l hope he didn't notice. I know he did.
"I'm sorry," I said *nervous*
He is silent.
Now he is staring at me. I am silent. He comes one step closer to me, I take a step back, then a second step closer, I take another step back, then a third step, but there is no space behind me, I am glued to the wall and he is standing so close to me, I can feel his breath but I can't breathe. My heart is pounding so fast that I can hear it, and I think he too can hear it, I am sure my face is completely red.
"What are you doing?", after nearly thirty seconds I took courage and asked.
He comes closer to my ear and whispers, "Weren't you wanted to look at me, now you can look closely."
I push him back "No.. No.. it's not that, I were just......."
"You were just.." takes a step back.
"Oh..my bus is here, I am already late, I need to go, byeee."

: This story is completely based on my imagination. Characters in this story do not have any connection with any real-life person.

Thank you so much for giving your precious time to my writing. This is my first time writing a story, I hope you liked it.
Please give your feedback in the comment section, I would like to improve myself.🤍
:Part 2 is out... please go and read.

#story #writcostory #love #school #relationship #storywriting

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