

His laugh is what caught my attention
Cheaters, addict's and disrespectful men is what was around. A father cheating and beating his wife, a mother cheating and trying to leave, it's normal. Was that there love story? Laughter, crying, talking shit to each other , beating the hell out of each other, then wipping her tears, cleaning up her bloody face . Ops now time to cook dinner. It's normal . When is my love story? I got to get out of here. I get involved with a young man. Cheater, abusive and cleaning up my face. Is this my love story? It's normal to me, it must be. 4 years trying to get away. I don't want to have a love story. Please let me go! I don't want to be loved. I meet another young man. He says he loves me. His love was worse then the first one. Police Officer says I wish you say something. I speak quietly saying I'm ok. My mind brainwashed by a father who said what happens in the home stays in the home. I pray and ask, is this who I am? I'm I here to be treated this way?! A 20 min ride seemed like a life time. As I'm holding my year old son, covering his body while being hit over and over as he drives. We turn the corner, police waiting for him. He turns to me and says I need you. I love you. I think to myself is this my love story? The police officer comes opens the door. Tears in her eyes, grabs my son and looks at me saying this ends now! Covered in blood and bruises. I hold a smile on my face as I look at my son. I say to myself I don't want to be loved. I realized I was continuing a cycle. Is there a love story waiting? I just had to know I was worth it. Done with men! It was bout me getting stronger with who I am. A friend called, telling me I need to get out the house and come have fun. After going back and forth I decided to go. My mood is not giving a fuck, let's see what this shit is about. I'm done with men and I hate love. Group of us are talking. I turned around because I heard this laugh that sounded so happy. It couldn't be happy because look where we live. I heard it again. I turned and saw him. We made eye contact. I turned quickly. His laugh made me feel something I have never felt. I thought to myself Do Not Fall for It!? He walked me home. Our conversation was deep. He was so nice. What does he want from me? There are no love stories in this neighborhood. The next day I went shopping and brought him along. When we spoke he had stated that his father had passed, his ex sleeping with the "homies & brother" and then his house burnt down. While shopping I said ey grab some shoes. I got you, it's good. He was embarrassed. I said nah it's cool I got you. I bought him some clothes, socks, under clothes along with them shoes. oh boy did the young ladies of the neighborhood have a lot to say. Are you stupid? He's going to use you! He's crazy! I stopped them right away. I offered! I refuse to allow anyone to use me! I dogged him out for about a month. I continued my education. We met again, our conversations were deep, personal and we wanted the same thing in life. Was I finally going to have my own love story? The closer we got I pushed him away. What's this guy want from me? He's to nice this is not normal. He knew my story. He didn't judge me, only hugged me saying I wish I knew you before. We decided to pursue our relationship. Now what do I do? I'm scared of the dark, I have nightmares, I can't sleep before he does. A night light was put through the house, I felt hugs and a whisper in my ear saying it's ok I'm right here no one will hurt you. Was he my knight. His laughter still brings that same feeling. Over 20 years now I have a love story.
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