

It is a gentle process, a violent process, a beautiful process. One I have come to enjoy time and time again over the years. To peel back the layers of flesh on a soon to be cadaver is a divine feeling. First this temptation was satiated by a thinly veiled love for taxidermy. Turning dead animals near my home into "art" but soon I turned to the live ones. The cries were filling for a time but soon they only seemed to whet my appetite for more. Soon after I sought out people initially it was the downtrodden and abandoned vagrants, orphans, prostitutes all were easy practice. I could always tell who they were in life as I pushed them towards death. Fighters thrashed, victims acquiesced, the intelligent always had eye searching for an exit, the hopeful would beg. It was this that made the flavor of their fear so much more exquisite than any animals as if I was devouring their soul itself laid bare before me on an exquisite platter. Excellently paired with wines of rage, fear, and regret. It was always the more difficult targets which brought me the most joy the rich, the powerful, the privileged. Their fear was so much more potent as they soon realized everything the ever had in life meant nothing in the face of my lust for their pain. Many cried and many more begged. It all meant nothing on the table and it meant even less under the knife.
© With clipped wings