

I laughed so hard when I remembered Smith during a conversation with my roommates. I'm a final year student studying accountancy and my roommates and I were having our usual chit chat. They laughed with me and begged me to narrate it to them and I agreed 'I stared at the screen of my phone, expectant to see his message pop up but I was disappointed. I decided to relieve myself of the pain I feel in my heart so I took my phone and logged into Whatsapp, still he wasn't online. I was missing him and felt the urgent need to talk to him, I clicked on our chat and began reading our chats and listening to the voice messages he sent in our past chats and I smiled inwardly, satisfied.
I love him so much that I couldn't do anything without him on mind, the thought of him dwells in my mind and his praises never cease from my lips. I talk about him to anyone who cared to listen because I can't just stop loving him.
The painful thing about it is that what I feel is a one-sided feeling, he doesn't love me back, even though he did, it wasn't as much as I did or expected he should. I did silly and stupid things because of him. I went out of my comfort zone just to please him and make him love me more but all was in vain.
I passed through the gate of his house just to see him daily, knowing fully well that the road doesn't lead to my destination but I love to see him every morning so I can start my day on a good page. Then one day, I heard he has started to attend a computer school. I was bittered because I knew I won't have the chance to see him on a regular basis anymore. Suddenly, an idea struck my mind, I told my father that I would like to enrol in the same computer school as him since we both just finished secondary school and I stated the fact that I don't want to be idle pending the time I would be given admission into uni. My father agreed and got me enrolled immediately. That was one of the little things I did for him.
Naturally, I was a lady who didn't like make-ups, jewelries or any such thing as accessories or adornments but that changed when one day I was talking to him and he said he likes girls with heavy make-ups and jewelries. So, I decided to step up to his taste and started to wear make-ups and jewelries, even though I didn't like it, I cared less.
We were not in the same class at the computer school but I always had my eyes on him. I made sure our paths always cross at school and I'd blush anytime he smiles at me, revealing his white well-arranged set of dentition. I was all over him that I forget totally about myself, all I wanted was for him to love me back but I didn't tell him I liked him, I felt he should understand the signs I'm giving him.
I always made sure I had data subscription so I can always talk to him online even if it meant me forfeiting my lunch at the computer school. I just wanted to talk to him everytime, smile so much with him and feel so fulfilled around him. I loved him so much.
I remembered during St.Valentines day, I saved up my lunch money for two weeks to get him his favorite cologne so he can fall madly in love with me.
Then one day, a new girl joined our computer school and she was in his class. The girl was very pretty, nice and intelligent too, everyone wanted to be around her. Suddenly, I discovered that he already made friends with her and they were so close that they moved about together. I felt deep pain in my heart and I cried myself to sleep almost every night. After two months, the girl left for uni and I had my guy back. My happiness knew no bounds when I heard the news.
On a Monday morning, as soon as I entered the computer school, I went straight to his class to give him the candies I bought regularly for him but he wasn't there, I wondered what had happened because he detest coming late to school. I returned to my class hoping to give it to him on our way home but yet I didn't see him.
I decided to go to his house and there I was told that he had traveled out of the country over the weekend to further his studies. I was so mad at him for not telling me. First things first, I disposed the candies immediately and headed for home. I cried my eyes out and skipped meals. I made up my mind that I wasn't going to return to the computer school, he was the reason I enrolled anyways.
The next morning, I was in my room when I heard my name, my father called me. I dragged my feet lazily to where he was. He asked if I was not going to computer school that day and I told him that I wasn't, he asked me for my reason and I told him I wasn't interested anymore and I'm not attending again. He looked at me and said 'you must really be joking, after I've paid. Will you leave this place and start to prepare?'. I had no choice but to go back to the computer school without my crush.'
They were rolling on the floor with laughter as soon as I finished my narration and I can't help but join in the laughter too.
© Bilqees Olowu🌹