


It's a very different feeling that I felt during this lockdown. I don't know whether you will call me rebel or something, but it's my feeling and I can't change it and I just wanted to share it with you.
Corona virus killed millions of people around the world, we all know that right. "It's a little demon".But after complete lockdown also it is killing lives, Why❓After complete lockdown also new Corona positive cases are heard why❓It's just because of the foolishness of the people wandering in the roads breaking rules. Who will save their lives if they themselves don't care about it❗The virus only attacks you when you physically get contact or accidentally inhale the aerosol released by the person carrying the virus, and that person will not show symptoms of the disease before 14-15 days as those days are this virus' incubation period but the person will infect others if they will get his contact, and this is the reason for which major countries obeyed lockdown.
Atleast the virus has a limit to attack anyone, like he is saying "when you will go outside your home I will attack on you". But what do we people do to other organisms existing in our world, remember this world doesn't belongs only to humans, this world belongs to all other organisms existing in it. We do kill animals for our Benefits, we kill plants to get free land to make buildings.
Okay❗plants don't have nerves and they can't feel pain on cutting and killing them, but just imagine if someone have saved your life and you need to do your job which is important for you and for this job you'll have to kill the person who saved you without letting him feel any pain while killing him, then would you do your job❓ You have emotions 'cause you're a human and you will never do this job, right❗And for your kind information you are doing no more than the same job that I just described, and you're doing this to the innocent plants. Ain't they save your life giving you oxygen❓ And you're killing them just to make buildings, doing your job.And also to fulfill our needs we kill innocent animals who feel pain, do all our emotions are only for other
humans ❓Don't the animals have feelings❓Ain't we making them suffer a lot of pain❓So ain't we the greater demon than Corona virus❓
We are also polluting the air making industries. And we will have to pay for it, industries will release acidic gases, which will cause acid rain, which will ruin the monuments from which our buildings are made up of. Deforestation will increase the amount of CO2 which will cause global warming.
Just imagine during this lockdown all industrial activities are stopped and therefore no pollution of any kind are observed, no trees are being cut and therefore no considerable increase in level of CO2 is observed which will cause global warming.
So we are realizing that the nature is being cleaned. Shouldn't we needed to realize it before when the industries were polluting our environment.
During lockdown we searched a million ways to get employment online and we are also doing our jobs from home and we sorted our problems, then why we need to start that industry again that is making pollution.
I just want to say that this Corona pandemic is bad, very bad, but it is also teaching us to live friendly with nature. Now we have learnt to tackle problems than we should use this learning to create new ways to earn instead of harming the nature.
And wait wait❗I haven't ended yet,
I also want to say that don't feel bad and depressed everytime for being in the home only.
Because I know that everyone especially youngsters are feeling like that, I also felt sometime. "Don't you think that we are always tremendously crazy at the things that we don't have but we never ever think about the things that we have".
Whenever we are at school, we think about enjoyment at home and whenever we are at home we miss the fun that we had in school with friends."We never live the moment that we're in and we are always obsessed with what we recently don't have".
During this lockdown also we are thinking like that only, just recall when you lived far away from your hometown, at a city for studies and instead of studying you were missing your home town. Now you are in the latter, I mean you are at your hometown and instead of enjoying in home you're missing that city where you made friends. Remember❗the test for Corona vaccine is going on and it is sure that it will be successful and therefore our world will go on like before Corona time. And we won't ever get a chance like that again to be with our family and spend more time with our lovings, So live this moment with happiness doing new creativities in your house and making everyone in your family feel happier,
Because this moment is never gonna repeat...
Just be positive in this bad time gathering hope that "everything is gonna be alright".
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