

Immortality is not fair ep1
Self Narrator: We I was younger I lived happily with my mother and my four older brothers we lived in the mountain of god's we were the guardians there we guard the gate between us and demons and humans.

Narrator: In the night in the mountain of god's.

Mom: Dark honey please check the gate in your way out."

Dark : Yes .[Leaves the mountain]

Jim: Were you going brother?"

Sky: Shh... Mom will hear you ."[Opens the Window]

Jim: But brother mommy said not to leave the mountain during the night because of the demons roaming around ."

Sky:What mom those not know won't hurt her ."

self Narration: I knew that my brother always left home every night during the time mom and that came back home from guarding the gate and slept .

Jim: Won't you get caught by older brother?"

Sky: No he won't be were I am going ..

Jim: But we're?"

Sky : None of your business."[Glares at him]

Jim: That was not nice .."[About to cry]

Sky : I have wings okay ."
so I can fly if I am in danger I will give take you to the capital tomorrow."

Jim: Why do you smell like burned wen you always come back."

Sky: .....[stays quite] Nothing good bye - [Flies away]

Jim : Come on wings come out ." [pushing himself]

Daniel: What's going on here ?" [looks down on Jim]
Come let sleep." [grabs him and walks to bed]

Jim : Wheres Death?

Daniel: Sleeping but is time for him to go to work with me."[looks at sleeping brother]

Jim: Wake up." [Hugs]

Death: I know .."

Daniel : Let's go Open.". [balcony door and spread wings]

Death: Be good okay don't cause problems for mom and dad okay?"

Narrator: They fly away to the gate ."

Jim: Oh man am all alone big brother's left to guard the gate well except for Sky but what ever."[Looks around spot's a book]

Self Narrator: "shadows it's self?" The book said I opened the book with curiously I had never seen this book at home since I read all of them I finished the book that night and learned things I didn't understand of my self the book burned the moment I closed it.

Jim: Whatever I am sleepy."[Falls asleep]

The next day-

Jim: Sky !"

Sky : Your ready to go?"

Jim: Yes!"

Narrator: Sky holds his little brother in his arms.

Sky: You ready."

Jim: Fly sky!"

Self Narration: I always felt safe in the arm's of my second oldest brother .

Sky : We are here [Land's]

Jim : So many Angels !"

Sky : Yes only them and us can be here ."

Jim: [Smiles] Brother I love you!"

Sky : I love you too." "But you still have to hold my hand."

Jim: But brother !" [sights] Fine..[Holds hands]

Narrator: They walked to many stores and bought a lot of stuff .

Jim: Brother look!" [ Looks around his brother is gone]

Jim: Brother?" [cries]

Old woman: Are you lost young child?"

Jim : Yes..

Old woman: Follow me ."
"eat this ."[gives him a black apple]

Jim: [Eats it ] It taste great !"

Old woman: [Smiles ] Walk through here and you will find your brother."

Jim: Really?" [the old woman was gone]

Narrator: He walks towards the direction the old woman pointed and found his brother.

Sky : Jim !" Where were you?"[in tears]

Jim: I got lost and an old lady helped me get back."

Sky : An old lady ?" "But .. there's no old people here look around you Jim."

Narrator: All the angles were beautiful and young apperance.

Jim: But there was an old lady I came out from that valley!"[points to the direction but there was only a wall]

Sky: Let's go back home you must be tired."

Jim: Okay....

Self Narration: From that day on I felt the shadows around me followed me and looking at me and the night sky and the Stars and moon...