

The final of Enrage

Chapter 3

Damion was feeling lost wondering how he gotten himself into this mess. He was feeling irksome and all he wanted was his beautiful wife arms around him "where did it all went wrong?" yes! at the party. He was invited by Pagan to her birthday party Toya best friend and everyone he knew there was either married or engage it was a well put together party and he was wondering why Stacy didn't show up but he had called her earlier and she told him she would be running late so he should go ahead and enjoy himself for the both of them until she got there. While on his way to the balcony he bumped into Toya, he had to always remember to call her Christina he was the only one who could call her that. He had said " Hi Christina how lovely you look tonight, where is your date." She had replied by saying, " I'm here alone waiting on you to arrive." He didn't take much into it, he never took her serious or paid much attention to her remarks he always taught she was playing games with him, testing him to see if he would cheat on his wife which he would never do or think of doing but he was alarmed by Toya bold behaviour tonight she seems a little toxicated and over the edge. Stacy eyes Damion the entire time at the party and when she saw the opportunity she took it and offer him a drink which she had laced the drink with drugs. And all he remember was waking up naked beside her and it turned out Stacy didn't showed up here was an emergency at the hospital and she had to head back. He heard from the family lawyers that Stacy had filed for divorce this was it and he decided that he couldn't live without her, she meant everything to him, she kept him going she push him encourage him so he decided to call her but she wouldn't pick the call, he would just leave her a message instead of say his final good bye before he pulled the trigger.
Meanwhile Toya was on her way to see Stacy to let her know that she planned on marrying Damion when they got divorce and even thou she betrayed her she would need her blessing. It's a very lucrative situation, twisted if you think of it but they always say keep your friends close and your enemy closer. Stacy was busy packing her clothes into her suitcase she was going to take a vocation to clear her mind she heard the phone ranging saw the caller ID and decided she just didn't want to speak to her husband, she still can't believe all this drama but it was time to move on and move past all this bad energy a week ago she was fusing mad and she would killed whoever it was but when she found out it was her sister she couldn't, Damion must have taken advantage of her sister Toya she wouldn't do anything do hurt her, Toya loved her so she taught. The doorbell rang and Stacy went to the door to see her sister standing there looking remorseful she asked her to enter and she did. Then out of the blues Toya started ranting asking Stacy what she did to Damion because nobody seems to know his whereabouts and Toni gone all man hunting looking for him and she don't know why and how their parents accuse her of seducing Damion if that's what she told them. Stacy just stood there listening to her sister carrying on, at this point she was tired and wanted to catch her flight that was booked for 9pm sharpe it's now 6 she as an hour to spear and another to reach the airport to check in. Toya then spotted the suitcase and her excitement was all too obvious.

Toya: Taking a trip I can see that all this is way too much for you to handle but it's for the best, I can finally have Damion now for myself.

Stacy: Finally! have Damion what do you mean by that?

Toya: Exactly what it means your really a fool couldn't you see that I've wanted your husband for a very long time.

Stacy: Your just saying that because you want me to be mad at you and not Damion he's not a good man he will hurt you like he hurt me or maybe worse, I'm not mad anymore about the pregnancy he never wanted kids with me anyways.

Toya: He's not a bad man he's perfect just that he married you and that spoiled everything.

Stacy: Toya I don't got time for this I have to catch a flight by 9.

Toya: Why the sudden rush all of a sudden? Your not telling me something, why aren't you acting angry, what are you up to?

Stacy: I can't afford to get angry I'm happy for you both I'm finally getting the one thing I've ever wanted and it's better that the cruel things you and Damion have done to me.

Toya: No! No! Can't be what I'm thinking there's only one thing you want and that's a baby are you pregnant?


Toya: you can't have it you have to get rid of it, he would want it and then forget about me.

Stacy: Why are you acting all crazy he won't want it he made me abort 4 pregnancy and terminated one, he put something in my food I ran test and it showed substances that cause me to have a miscarriage. That's five pregnancy in three years.

Toya: Your really stupid and gullible, you really don't know how much your husband love you, he wanted those stupid babies of yours all of them I persuaded him to tell you to get rid of them, I told him that mom and dad would cut you out of the trust fund that they were planning to kill him If he tried to ruin your career so early by getting you pregnant it sounded stupid at the time I didn't know he would actual believe it but he was always terrified of our parents because I told him they killed alot of people for less and he believed me. I told him they were the one who killed Toni best friend because they taught he was a queer and encourage Toni behaviour to become Electra and he actual believe me.

Stacy: What! Stop this madness stop saying all this crazy things.

Toya: It's true Stupid sister i manipulate him and I was the one who put something in your food not him you have forgotten that I was there the morning, he was so dam happy and thrilled that you was fighting to keep the pregnancy he told me he didn't care anymore if my parents wanted to kill him, he wasn't going to let you abort a next child and that made me furious I crush the bone pills that I've gotten the time to repair my broken ankle and sprinkled it in your food.

Stacy: My husband wanted our babies you seduce him and destroyed my marriage because your jealous.

Toya: Yes! yes! yes and we didn't sleep together I drug him and strip him I wanted to have sex with him but he wouldn't get an erection for me he kept calling your name and I'm not pregnant either, I'm confessing because now you know and I know that your pregnant I can't let you leave to catch that flight.

Stacy: Are you flipingmad, your losing your God dam mind.

Toya: Your so dam soft and a push over I hate you and our perfect little family.

Stacy was terrified she was crying so hard couldn't believe the things her sister was saying to her, Toya pulled out a knife out of her bag and she was eyeing her sister and she made another confession at that time that she was the one who killed Toni best friend because he over heard her plans of trapping Damion and he planned on telling Toni about it but she got to him first with a knife to his neck. She was laughing so hard her eyes were enrage with madness. During the time when Toya was taking the knife out of her purse her hands accidentally send off a call to Pagan she overheard everything that was said and was overwhelmed she instantly called the police and gave them the address to Stacy house and then called Mr and Mrs Crane. She was trying to reach Toni as well but his phone kept saying he's was unavailable.
" Stop moving dear sister and just let me kill you, bitch," spitted Stacy as she lung onto her sister they both were struggling, Toya manage to cut Stacy on the right arm but Stacy got a hold of her hands again that held the knife and picture frame where being knocked out falling on the sofa and for a second Toya had the advantage and has she was about to strike the police broke the door down and all Toya heard was " freeze don't move, drop the weapon of we will be force to shoot."

Toya: Thank God officer you save my life my sister was trying to kill me and I was defending myself against her.

Stacy: Officer!

Officer: It's alright mam, place her under arrest for attempted murder.

Toya: Your making a big mistake but....

Officer: But nothing you were recorded on a call to one Pagan Hamilton she's the one who called the police after over hearing you on the phone planning to kill your sister.

Toya: Damn that stupid phone why didn't I get a new one, she wanted me dead officer.

Officer: Save it for the judge.

Stacy: Officer she's showing signs of a mental condition I would like you guys to call a institution to evaluate her she seems to be under going alot of trauma I'm a doctor and she seems to be doing drugs as well get her tested for that too.

Officer: Sure will Doctor.....

Stacy: Dr Blackwood.

The moment the hang cuff were placed on Toya, Stacy phone rang and Damion voice came on the phone stating that he was about to kill himself and that he loved her and can't live without her and everything was Toya fault and Toya overheard and started to cry for a second Stacy felt sorry for her she ran to pick up the phone and started crying telling him it was ok she knew everything and that she forgave him and that she loved him and that she was pregnant and nothing matters anymore but all she heard was silence it was too late he had hang up and Tears was flooding Stacy face , she had killed her beloved her Prince charming but at that time Stacy was telling Damion everything he had the gun to his head about to pull the trigger when Toni held his hand and stop him and they both overheard what Stacy said she knew everything it was ok she forgave him and most of all she was pregnant for him and he was thinking how lucky he was; how bless he was and he fell down bawling like a baby and Toni was there to comfort him. He pick up the phone and called Stacy letting her know that Damion was ok he found him in the nick of time and they both heard what she said and told her Damion was crying so hard he was happy about the pregnancy.
Two weeks after the incident everyone was together, Toya was placed in an institution for further evaluation and Toni told his parents he was accepted into the marines they were so happy and for the first time Mr Crane told his son he had loved him regardless of his spilt personality and he's even more proud that he choose to be Toni. Stacy stood silent for a moment afraid to touch her husband but Damion grab her so close held her so tight that he didn't want to let her go, he kissed her so passionately that she felt fire burning withing her. Regardless of all this madness she loved her sister but she was under charges of first degree murder, attempted murder, possession of illegal substances which they found in her purse. Pagan was also at the gathering which everyone was grateful to her for her quick action which had saved a life she told them that she was afraid of Toya that's why she never mentioned to Stacy that her sister had a fancy for her husband because she had threatened her once that she would kill her and nobody will find her body so she kept her mouth shut. They all were grateful now to her so non of that mattered anymore and there was nothing but love poring out that night between family and friends and Stacy was so happy to know that her husband was really one of a kind and nothing matter anymore but there love for each other.

© Keryiann Mcneil