

The Untold Grave...[Part-1]
Characters- Milie(the narrator)
Susanne(her friend)
Genre- Horror, Thriller, Mystery
I was sitting on the stool, my legs trembling and my heart shivering. It was hard for me to sit still at that moment, in a dead silent hospital with a handful of patients. Doctors seemed to have vanished from there. It was only me and my friend Susanne, who was lying motionless on that bed. The monitor beeping not a second slow clearly depicting the existence of my friend in the near world. The restlessness in me turned my life upside down. The night seemed to be never ending which was crystal opposite to the time we had spent illimitably together on the days of sleepovers. The unceasable turn of events made my heart skip a beat every nanosecond. I noticed that I was staring at Susanne and revised the whole seen of how my dearest friend got stuck here. We were taking a long walk in that crowd less street. When suddenly a truck driver sardonically crushed my friend and ruthlessly cleaned up that place and did not offer a material help. Then like an angel the cab driver came and helped us and after roaming we got here at this intermittent place. The doctor operated on her but there was nothing to get elated of because she still was critical. So after hours of paperwork I sat peacefull beside her giving condolences to reduce her hardships. On the spur of the moment, I came out of my zone of tempestuous quivering and shuddering when a slightest noise pierced my ear drum. It was more like the hard footsteps one after other. A sweat trickled and ran all the way down from my succeeding hair line to the side of my jaw bone...
© Krishna Parmar