

Dilemma- (Part 1)
The story starts when our hero is being chased by the NYPD'S cars and he is running away from them with a dead body in the back of his car. Our hero ...

"Wait wait wait dude what are you doing? Aren't you going to introduce me first to my lovely readers!!! What kind of writer are you??" "Hello I am the hero of the story my name is CIA special agent Sunny, code name Lucifer. I am a CIA secret spy, and this man who is writing my story is an idiot and his name is ViRaj". "Let me tell you about myself cause mr.writer here doesn't remember that I need to connect to my audience first."

Ya ya you go ahead with that Sunny.

"I didn't need your permission idiot. So as you know by now that I am Sunny and I am being followed by NYPD, but what my brilliant writer forgot to tell you is that the one following me is my own cute little sister who is the NYPD homicide detective and investigating the murder of the body in my car."
Come on man why did you tell that? It was going to be a twist. You ruined and for that when Sunny was driving the car suddenly the engine of the car stopped and her sister NYPD detective Alex caught him and punched him in the face, then he was send to the jail.

"Hey dude that was uncalled for and sorry, but now since I am in 'detention centre', Ya dude use some big words like detention centre instead of jail. But whatever since I am in detention centre I can tell you about my history. I had a happy family in which I had me, my little sister, my dad and mom. Mom died in a car accident when I was 5 and my sister was 3, but we three took care of eachother. My dad was a gadget designer for security agencies. We lived a good life. I was the street smart one but my sister was the responsible one. We loved eachother a lot."
"But it all changed one day when I was 15, I was playing with my lightsaber one day and it's light went out. So I decided to move inside the room where my dad worked to get something to make the lightsaber glow again and I saw that there were small gadgets for making lasers. I took one of those and connected it to my lightsaber and then I unintentionally killed the whole family and my sister complained it to my dad."

What my genius friend forgot to tell you is that he is talking about the family of stuffed bears his sister had. Missing important details in telling his story and I am an idiot writer.

"Fine fine sorry. So where was i? Yes, so she told dad and then i got scared and decided to hide in my dad's office room, and that was the biggest mistake or my life. When i entered his room and started searching for a place to hide, I accidentally opened a secret room which later I found out was a CIA base. My dad found me but so did the CIA general. She wanted to send me to a safe place cause I knew to kuch but my dad didn't want that so he showed the General my work with the lightsaber and she was impressed. She gave me two choices either I can be an agent or I can go to a safe place where I can't meet anyone. This was my first dilemma. And what I chose you all know. Since then I have been trained in a few different martial arts styles and use of a lot of weapons."

"13 years passed since my training, dad was killed in a mission five years ago against 'The Orion industries' a group of bad guys who deal in arms and ammunition. I am the head of the mission after him since then. My sister became the youngest NYPD detective and is running her own precinct. She doesn't knows about me being a spy, for her I took over the business of my dad, and I want to keep it that way you understand mr.writer."

Okay fine then, Sunny was in his "detention centre" room where Alex comes to meet him. She asks him what is going on here. She doesn't believes her brother could kill anyone, (she couldn't be wrong more wrong). Sunny tells her that she is right he didn't kill him. He was being framed because he trying to help Kate.

" Wait let me tell them about Kate. Kate the love of my life. She is my fiancee. We met 4 years ago when I was working on the Orion industry case. She is a FBI agent and she was also send to work on the same case. In the start we had our differences because I was the leader and she had some different view points. She doesn't liked killing people, but that's what I started liking about her, in our feild of work she still didn't lose her humanity.

We got close and were engaged last year, we were supposed to get married this year but it was decided by the higher ups that she would be sent as a double agent in the Orion industry. We were in contact but suddenly I lost contact with her last week and CIA and FBI are saying she went rogue. I can't believe it so I decided to help her but all the evidences point towards her. But I couldn't believe it and started the investigation myself. I lost my father to the Orion industry but I can't lose her to it too."

Thanks for that detailed description can I now move towards your story. So Alex asked Sunny what does he mean. He tells her that she knows that Kate works for the FBI and was following a gang called Orion industry. She said yes, but she told me that FBI people are saying she went rogue, so he was trying to help her. She asks I still don't understand how could you help you are just a civilian. He stops for a second then says yes but yesterday he received a call from a guy in the Orion industry and he asked me to bring the files of the case Kate was working on. He agreed to help him, but his plan was to give the files and follow him to his hideout. But when he went there and delivered the files and started following him he saw Kate standing in front of the car and she shot him. Sunny was shocked and he confronted her. He asked where have you been? Why you killed him and why everyone is saying you went rogue pointing his gun towards her. She tells him that she didn't went rogue she thinks that someone in the FBI is helping them. So she went off grid and they took advantage of this and asked you for file so I have to kill him and come out of my hiding place. I did this to protect you otherwise they would think you were a criminal too. Sunny tells her come with him but she tells that she has to do something first then she would come for him. Sunny faced the biggest dilemma of his life between duty and love but he trusted Kate and said ok then you should run and he would take care of the body.

But as he was doing that Alex caught him. He asked how did she found about it. She tells him that she got an anonymous call and she didn't know it was you. Sunny thinks that maybe it was done by Orion industries. Alex suddenly says that if he was a bad guy she could help him get free from murder charge.
So after few days Sunny was free and he went to his CIA headquarters where he was shocked to find out that he was also being considered rogue now. So took some supplies and ran from there.

"Okay Stop now this is my turn, because now starts the action sequence. I traced the call and found out the name of the owner and with the help of some of my friends in CIA I found out the address of the dead person. I went to his house smashed his door and went inside and found a lot of documents related to one James Brown the leader of the Orion industries. I took them and showed it to my General and she asked me to take a team and get him. I took five agents with me and asked another ten for backup if necessary."
"So I took the chopper and landed on the roof of the tall building."

Show off.

"Shut up. You jealous writer. So I landed on the roof and went inside there were 20 of them and five of us but we took them all out and captured James Brown. When he was being sent to the penetentiary he said it was not over. There are three more leaders of the Orion industry, and they know a lot about you Lucifer-the angel of death or I should say Sunny."

"I was shocked, no one was supposed to know my real name but he did."

"But with his capture I was freed from treason charges and now Kate could return back. We are supposed to get married next week, I would like to invite all my lovely readers to my wedding except this writer. Maybe I can tell you all about our wedding in the next story. So please join me."

Okay so you won't invite me then I won't write the next story and even if I write it you are going to die in it.

"Excuse me are you ViRaj? The writer??
Yes I am. Who are you mam?

"Hello I am Kate you look nice so I would like to tell you something."

Oh hello congratulations on the wedding and sure go ahead and tell me whatever you want.

"First of all thank you and secondly since you are writing my and my love Sunny's story I want to tell you why I went rogue on FBI. I would tell you more if you meet me at coffee. Don't tell Sunny and don't kill him in your story, otherwise....."

© Viraj