

Locked. (Dark.)
She huddles against the bathtub floor, listening to the banging and pounding of a man outside the locked door. He slams himself against it as her shaking fingers type and she prays that she can send a message faster than he can get in.
She hears him smash through the door before she can finish and she lets out a yelp. Her eyes begin to tear up as she hears him stomping closer to the drawn curtain on the bathtub rod. She hurries to finish typing, but she's making too many errors. The message doesn't even look like English anymore.
The curtain screams open and she flinches, the phone slipping from her fingers. He grabs both it and her quickly, pushing the phone into his pocket before throwing her over his shoulder.
She sobs against his back, pleading with slurred words that he just put her down, and that she's sorry, that she'll ask next time.
© Karia FelWell