

I feel lonely but I'm not alone?
Humans can never live alone but they do feel lonely.... how?
Well,many people who feel lonely think they are alone in this challenging life but no.Me personally known as a quiet and calm person but i've experienced two things that made rethink my personality even though im not alone and I have a great family.One day we were outside shopping,suddenly I didn't feel well and I was dizzy,i almost fainted till i left my family and I sat in a nearby place get my strength back. Second thing, I was home and I got shocked (electricity) and I felt dizzy too but the sadest part was when I got stuck but I made it by MYSELF... great isn't??
No it's not great at all to feel invisible thinking it's great to fight alone. Maybe if I told my family that I didn't feel once they had to keep an eye.I always hide my emotions and pretend nothing is happening with which made people around me think that I'm the most responsible and strong person like I'm a robot not caring about how I really feel or what my opinion or if I'm just fine!!. I'm not a sociable person cause I've been let down by some close people but that doesn't mean that I should be left out in society I have a voice so i'll speak starting with my family if I wasn't quiet about my thoughts I could have called help when I needed it we all need help in one point but it depends if it's worth it or not. my life was at stake but I was too stupid to say that I'm tired or I'm not feeling well.I could have faced some other bad consequences.
Whoever reads this I'm not telling you should trust people who aren't worthy your trust but we are humans after all, we get tired, we get sick, we get sad, we get mad, depressed but no one will care if we don't draw our existence in society or speak our thoughts...I don't like this hairstyle on you,this color won't match your outfit,that's a wrong way to do this....... these are simple examples to be seen or noticed. I don't have to change me so you would like but you have to like me as me cause I'm not in a movie waiting for you to tell which role I play. Sorry I'm not gonna change and im not gonna stay away cause im a weak creature after all,im a human who accepts to feel lonely sometimes but can never live alone.
I want to finish my story by a question we say we would to be alone but are we deeply satisfied with it?
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