

Change is constant....
don't trust...
because they change..
everything will be broken 💔

Nowadays how fast people change.
beyond my imagination.
People think they are the only one in this world, rest are nothing for them.

what I say now,
first I was a girl who think for others then myself.
first I want others to be happy, then myself.

like literally then want me to put them,
they just need a point to disrepect or disagree me.

I'm very short tempered girl. I easily get angry. I control myself not to say a word to them. But this people are beyond my imagination.

I don't know what they think about themselves. I will always respect you all but I have some limit. when it will cross I don't know what will happen but please try understand both side.
You are not always correct. You also have some faults in you.

I don't know it's your ego or anything else. But literally one day you will suffer from it...

Once someone's hurt you, it's harder to relax around them, harder to think of them as safe to love.

© Dimple