

We don't see things as they are. We see them as we are. ~ Anais Nin
The word perception comes from the Latin "perception-, percepio ," meaning "receiving, collecting, action of taking possession, apprehension" with the mind or senses. In contemporary psychology, perception is the brain’s interpretation of sensory information so as to give meaning to it.

In the field of psychology, the Implicit Personality Theory acknowledges the patterns we use in forming impressions about other people, despite having minute information about them.
According to Aronson et al, 2010; social perception refers to the ability to make accurate interpretations and inferences about other people from their general physical appearance, verbal, and nonverbal patterns of communication.

However certain factors come into play to shape or even distort perception, which domicile in:

1.In the perceiver; these include the perceiver's Attitudes, Motives, Self Concept, Moods, Interests, Previous Experiences, Cognitive Structure and most often Expectations.

2.In the object or target being perceived; these include the target's Physical Appearance (attractiveness, size, height, weight, aesthetics) , Verbal Communication cues (voice, tone, grammar etc) , Non-Verbal Communication cues (facial expressions, eye contact, gestures, walking style, posture, body movements etc).

3.In the context of the situation in which the perception is made; these include Time and Environment/Setting (work, social, religious etc). Nevertheless, perception is not often accurate due to common barriers which are not based on objectivity, such biases are: Selective Perception/Speed-Reading, Stereotypes/Generalizations, Halo-Effect, Pygmalion-Effect/Self-fulfilling Prophecies, First-Impression Error, Projection, and Contrast Effect.
Going by the words of Rick Riordan, the truth remains that "Humans see what they want to see," therefore I conclude with the quote below.
The outer world is a reflection of the inner world. Other people’s perception of you is a reflection of them; your response to them is an awareness of you. ~Roy T. Bennett
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