

Destiny of you and me! (16)
Chapter 16

"So you know her very well ha?"

She saw him stiff without answering anything.

"why? How did you know her? By her boyfriend?"


At last, he answered her but he didn't look at her, he was seeing somewhere else.

"So let me ask you something, can I Mr.Singhania?"

Aarav looked at her stunned when he saw her addressing him Mr. Singhania, she never once called him with that name.

"hmm "

"You believe that Sara committed suicide?"

Somehow he felt that Riya was not Riya but Sara, he didn't know anything but he knew that she was Sara because of the feeling that insecurity which he felt only for Sara and his heartbeat which would fasten as soon as it sees Sara.

So, to confirm if she was Sara or not he started enraging her by insulting Rohit because whenever someone insulted him or was trying to insult she would surely get mad at them.

"Yes, everyone on earth believes that Sara committed suicide!"

"what makes you think like that?"

"because she was coward, she was horrible, she was the worst human being who didn't know how to love and only knew how to hate and ki-"

"Just SHUT UP!!!"

"even Rohit was like that I must say he was a perfect example for devil in human face, most horrible person who killed peoples hope and he used Sara, right? Hmm, I understand what can we even expect from him, right?"

Riya was on the verge of explosion, she glared at him angrily

"what do you even know about him? Ha? Do u know how good he was? Do you know how Sara was? Do you know how Rohit was? He loved everyone, every little thing in this world was loved by him. He even spent half of his family asset on orphan children, he never once acted selfishly nor he cared about himself, he always made his first priority be his family and MEEEE! Did you get that? Don't you dare spout nonsense about him!!! GET OUTTTT. Don't you dare show me your face again. I hate you!"

Aarav was smiling at her while his eyes welled up with tears.

The only thing which left from his trembling lips was

He went forward and hugged her tightly.

"Hey you pervert! How dare you to hug me? Ha? After sprouting nonsense, how dare you…"

He hugged her even more tightly.

"You are not Riya, you are my Sara right?"

"my Sara?"

He pulled back from the hug and saw her face which was calm now.

"I am.. I am-"

"you are?"
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