


#meth518 #historical #romance #betrayal #springjoymichael.

Catherine retired to her room worried about how her sister could think about her parents after many years she didn't doubt her but she has to forget about it and move on with her life and to know that whenever she takes the throne, her parents will be Happy where ever they are she thought sitting on a chair near the window she sat feeling worried seeing herself thinking always weaken her not long she slept off and while in her dream world, prince Antonio walked in.

***Catherine dream***

Prince Antonio walked in smiling in a very nice way at her she looked back but didn't see her sister in here.

"Why have you come?" She asked

"Can't I visit my sister in-law?"Aske him

"Of course you can but not in my Chambers and yes you have to knock before coming in!"

She said really offended. Seeing she is offended Antonio apologized.

"I have come to see if karma is here I have searched for her round the palace but she can't be found."

"Well, I should ask you that where could she have gone when you are around she is always with you." She answered


"Then she is in her Chambers"

she answered asking him to come along so can look for her.

"Not so soon Catherine!"

He said dragging her back

" if the princess wants to rest then let her". He said.

"Well, I have come only for you! I want to... I want just you!."

"I don't understand!"

Asked Catherine a bit scared.

"Well, I love you Catherine and I want to make love with you I know you love me too I can see it in your eyes you love me as well don't you? "

He asked picking her hair.

"You. What..."she stammered not knowing what to say.

"Hahaha I know you are in love with me come on let me have you and let make our love sacred." He said mildly.

"Ahhh!!! "

Catherine raised her hands and slapped him. "Unworthy! " She said

"You want to do what? You want to have me to my sister? What are you saying?"

"You are mistaking all this!"

He said after recovering from the slap.

"I'm not interested in your sister I have always been interested in you I only came through her to get you."

"You are impossible! "She exclaimed bitterly.

"Hahaha Princess!! Take it slightly check your mind then look into my eyes!!!!."

He commanded slowly and softly

"Look into my eyes Catherine!!!"

Catherine slowly looked up trying not to look at him but the force was much she kept trying not to but Antonio kept commanding her to softly and calmly but seeing she is so stubborn he commanded in an authorative voice and Catherine speedily looked but something happened as she shouted and poured fire on him from her mouth.

Antonio flew to the wall and hit his back hard there he forced himself out Leaving a mark of himself he quickly Looked at Catherine regaining his stamina he walked back at her.

"Look into my eyes!" He spoke softly trying to raise her head with his hands raised to the air.

Catherine raised her head and it was flame coloured her expression turned snow with a blazing fire in her eyes she looked really angry.

Antonio stood in shock and tried commanding her but he couldn't as she poured fire out but this time he dogged it.

"Ahahhh!!!!! "Catherine screamed waking up from her sleep

"Ohh no!!!" She breathed heavily.

He whole body was shivering and vibrating the dream kept playing and the worst of it all everywhere in the palace is silent it looks at though no one is alive or around.she calmed down and heard footsteps she looked at the door and it sounded as though someone was there she stood up to check but she felt someone was standing beside her.

She looked opposite the seat where she sat sleeping and discovered a small unnoticeable mark on the wall she gasped seeing that. She quickly ran to karma's Chamber and met her and Antonio playing the chess game.

"Karma!! She called worried hugging her."

"What Happened you are sweating?"

Karma asked worried because the weather today is really hot.

Catherine looked at Antonio but didn't notice anything strange.

"What is the matter was someone after your life? "Antonio asked.

Catherine shook her head and went back to her room.

Lady Misa secret quarters

"Dammit!! Dammit!" She shouted

"We are close to achieving our goals how did she escape?."

"I'm afraid I don't know!"Answered Lord Zin worried.

"Arrh!! I'm getting impatient she said gritting her teeth"

"How on Earth did she get such powers?"

Lady Misa asked thoughtfully.

"Maybe her parents are helping her.you know, entering in to her dreams was really difficult we have been trying all this while and once we got this opportunity this happened maybe the girl has some Powers"

Lord Zin said.

"No! He parents can't help her no! His highness is only human and his spirit is locked."

"Then how? There wouldn't be a transfer of power from karma to her? Or is karma playing a trick on you?" Asked Lord Zin.

"I hope not! It can't be she doesn't have any powers the rule states only the first child and the heir to the throne will be blessed with unusual powers and that is karma and I have taken it from her!!"

"But there can be a transfer of power!"

Lord Zin said worried.

"Never! As far as I am concerned Catherine is innocent and I am certain she has gotten a mate she doesn't even have!"

Ahhh!! She paced round annoyed and disappointed.

"I Shall find out what Happened and if karma tried to screw me then I won't hesitate Killing her."

"What if karma is innocent and Catherine has her powers." Asked Zin thoughtfully

"Then the teacher would have alerted us!" She answered

"Meanwhile I will stop her from attending that class I can teach her all she wants to know about politics and the rest of it all."

"See you later she said to him disappearing out."

"We only have tomorrow to go!"

Lord Zin murmured to himself.

"Well,if queen Kiana is a vampire then her daughter's are because her Gene is very reactive and a harsh one but....."

Lord Zin calculated totally confused.

"Or could it be we didn't use the right magic!?" .

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© springjoymichael