

one night
I know it is bit of out of the sketch but so I could improve please drop every comments as harsh as it sounds. I will be glad to get your views so I know I'm in the right track.

One night

I heard a knock on my dorm room, it was my roommate Mickey wreaking brewery in his mouth. I was preparing for my
Morning lecture, when he stormed in holding shoes in his hands.

I didn't want to pay attention but suddenly with his slanting walk across the room caught my eye,
His bubbly mind forget to greet me as if am not there, heads to the shower turn the tap on and
Bumped to the toilet.

I rolled my eyes to see what I've left behind and to my suprise my essay which I've misplaced
Was covered by books on shelf.
Mr Ellington is a high class master in English so he's bent on looking for errors before perusing. So I hope I've picked all the words to entice his throat.

While I was lost in thoughts I heard a heavy noise coming from bathroom, it was Mickey
Calling me, hey! Roomie what
Day is it? I think am writing a test today.
Wednesday the 24th, I said, writing a test in that state?

What state?
You're wasted!
You worry too much man, the
Party was freaking awesome, all the gorgeous bitch was there.....
I can see it was awesome.
Stop being a hater dude, I got
Wasted with this new fresh girl,
Boy the shorty is hot, she steamed my body before I got laid.

Listening to his glorious story
I forgot I had a class and fifteen minutes passed not realizing I was late, as I cut in his none stop fuck up conversation.
Dude I'm late talk when I get back and check your timetable before you drown in sorrows.

Rushed to lecture room, luckily only candidates were there, so I took my sit next to this brown skin girl who I've been keeping an eye on. Her eye color was that of the setting sun, with huge brows and curly hair perfect for the face.

Through my research I've noticed she's reserved, well groomed as she was still wearing long skirts and covering everything. I thought maybe the whistle of varsity lifestyle hasn't clicked yet even though she was staying with fireflies of every night party but she hasn't changed, her love for books was unimaginable.

Swallow by the chair she was seating on, I greeted her, morning Emily, she didn't seem too interested to stare, she just nodded and said hey. With all that my excitement fell to the ground, without gazing at the time the law lecturer stormed in,
And I shifted my gaze to him.

Comfortably with knowing my facts as I was studying things before they would sum it, I was bored with the fact that I knew what he was saying and felt like blabbing. Immediately my mind busted to my room and thought what'd Mickey be doing?

"Sleeping, I pictured him with the hangover, or puking, sitting on the floor next to a toilet. Or maybe with that hangover he tried to walk to lecture room but couldn't. As I was lost in thoughts a sudden poke to my arm woke me up to Mr frederick's questions which I didn't hear.

As I was ready to assent and my composure glinted nonchalance, Emily cuts my stammering lips clearing her throat as if to utter let me help which everyone noticed.
Without haste I recall hearing "criminals should be treated fairly" then I knew they were talking about criminal justice.

With my mind pitched at home I remembered the test, again I was getting lost, and there she was poking me as to say get out off there, but why is this angel persistent to help. How the hell did she notice I wasn't there?, Is she a witch?, gosh I hope she's not.

Hey, you veer stressed is everything okay?, Whispering quietly, ""what does she care she couldn't even glint me", I thought, oh yes everything is perfect. By the way what's your name?, Chris!, Chris who?, Chris paddington!, sorry about earlier for being rude! Nah, it's okay.

Lost in thoughts as I was I didn't recognize the lecturer when he stormed out, realizing I didn't learn anything. So I steamed my thoughts listening to Emily's voice, it was like a bird singing lullaby to its lover. We were hooked to each other's conversations and forgotten we had lectures.

I recall my last question and her answer was 'why you always buried in your books and don't have time off?', I grew up in a background that at night we didn't have anything to eat, so working keeps me away from that life.

As we got fond of each other, noticed we shared a lot in common, we exchanged numbers. Right from that moment it felt like fate brought us together yet to go and submit my test leaving her there seemed like abandoning her,
I was scared and wanting to protect her. Why should I feel this way? I hardly know her.

Dropped the test, checked lectures find there's no class.
With beautiful smiles of love on my mind I peer at the beauty of today. Even though I didn't gain knowledge at least my heart is pounding at ease. I trudge to dormitories, to my surprise Mickey is awake sipping coffee, rubbing his fingers on the thick white hair trying to ease hangover.

Hey bro! I said staring at his blue eyes. Hi, dude, how was class?. Oh great, I thought you had a test?, treading to the other side of the bed. Dude, I was fucken wasted I forgot I wrote it and only one left which is on Tuesday.

Oh, okay, should I tell him about Emily...... what the fuck is wrong with you since you stepped in here, you've been smiling like the first day a virgin got laid. I'm used to the tone of him when he wants something but can't argue with a nerd.

Don't worry boy, nothing I can't handle just happy I submitted my test which was quiet dreadful to indite. I put my bag on the table top, jump on my bed comfortably leaning against the wall wanting to ask about the juicy fucked stuff of the party.

But a sudden beep of my phone steals all the attention. A message from Emily " just checking up on you " heart split into half as I shiver with phobia cause I didn't think she'd text or be amazed. As we exchange text, I forget being in a room with Mickey cause most of the time he was there. Smiling bright like the nakedness of the moon.

Mickey snatches my phone, as my tongue stick out,hey! I shout.
Dude is late, let us trudge down the road and grab something to eat. You snatched my shit cause of that! Dude I'm in the middle of Davy Jones' locker with my feelings here! Just grab a large pizza and drinks.

Okay, fine bro! Hope she's worth all the attention, he throws back the phone and I shift to the other side to give him money while he storms out. A while later since I'm on a romantic boat I don't realise is late and Mickey is devouring all the food.

Her heart possessed an aura of romance which I was attracted too and couldn't drew myself out. Who's the mystery angel obfuscating your mind and making you leave food? Mickey holler. Texting my last message " you're a rare flower I wish to plant in my garden" send. I shout to him don't finish I'm done and I munch peering my phone but no answer.

I lie down thinking maybe I said something wrong, googling the screen until I doze off. High spirited I wake up but still nothing, what could be wrong?
My confidence start to get me.
I decided to skip morning lecture, It hit me what'll I utter when I veer her? Fear engulf me.

I try to gather courage but the feathers to soar me are cage inside a shallow cave of fear.
Without courage at peak of the day without any idea what to say but hope only. As I enter the lecture room like on stage alone light glow on her, I miss my step
And nearly trip whisking to the closest seat far away from her.

Lectures start without glinting at her trying not to show any signs. Many thoughts hit but I crash em' with focusing and listening thoughts. Lectures for for the day end as I was standing up, she was on my shoulder and patting that sound didn't you see me?

Hey, there! I said. Oh, hey there

© Melvey koka