

I Nearly Got Away-Part 3
Felt cold fingers running down the spine, catching a red eyed hard to swallow, chilling figure as the eye rolled to the edge while hurriedly turning back to look what it was. And like an illusion, there was nothing. "pant! pant! pant! ", with shaky legs grasping every strength to stand, started walking 👣 with fear. Who was that? was that even real? rechecking the back with hand as it started to feel warmth slowly.
An orb quickly passed by in a glance out of nowhere and went in to the wall of an empty classroom 3a. Took a few steps forward and looked to the exceptionally dark aura, emitting from the equipments kept inside that room, as seen from the window. Tried hard to just avoid it, and move forward but felt a strong deathly stare coming from the room even though there was no one.
With no choice in hand, trudged along the way to enter the classroom. Surprisingly, it felt nostalgic, taking in a journey to a garden filled with sweet laughter of old and young, complementing each other's space. Though the picture was simple and fun filled with merry, there was a deep pain hidden piercing the heart with hopelessness.
With hand on the chest, struggled to escape from the classroom and ran down to the third floor.....

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