

New God
On a fine day, a boy, aged 2yrs old, named Rishik, was sleeping in his bedroom. Rishik's birth mother died while delivering the baby and considering the fact that Rishik was a newborn baby, his father remarried so Rishik can get the motherly love from his second mother. But, that woman, Kriti was so wicked. She didn't liked or cared for Rishik even a bit. She felt that he was a threat to her rich husband's property. And that he wouldn't even give her a single penny in the near future. So she decided to secure all the money to herself by killing him and making it look like an accident. So one day when Rishik was sleeping, oblivious of the situation, Kriti made her way into his bedroom with a knife behind her back. But she didn't knew that he was also aware of her intentions. Just as she was about to stab him in the heart, her phone ringed, *Apne lahoo me basa liya jisne mere Shree Ram ko, aisi bhakti na dekhi kahi naman bhakt Hanuman ko.....kejo kesari k laal , mera chota sa ye kaam....~~*. As she turned and was about to receive the call, Rishik's eyes snapped open. Time stopped. In a fraction of seconds, their position was exchanged. Kriti was now lying on the bed, scared as to what happened. Rishik took control of her mind, hypnotizing her and making her stab herself right in the heart.
After that incident, he decided to sacrifice the materialistic luxury, of his family ,which can turn a human so evil, and disappeared into the forests for forever where no one knows....!!


Being bad brings you to a dead end of your life.!!
Being kind costs you nothing..!!
Be kind and helpful..!!