

This is A Question: Please Answer
I don't know where to ask this so if you know can you please answer my question:

This is about the WhispersOfNature Contest, can someone pass multiple submissions? Let's say 5 poems but it is not a spam (like same poems) but different poems, different perspective... So is this just fine? Thank you for taking time on reading and answering my question.

Oh No there's a minimum of one hundred and fifty words so probably I am just going to talk blab here and wait for one hundred and fifty words to come. I am sorry for this inconvenient approach of knowing things, it is not my intention. Why not I'll also try to promote myself.

Hello, this is me MelancholicGucciBoy. Since I still have to reach one hundred fifty words, I will try to promote myself. If you cana read this, please do follow me and read my poems, I hope these poems could somehow relate or touch your feelings. So try my poems, they are all original works and it's past 150 words. Thank you for your time.

© MelancholicGucciBoy