


2- Tragedy at its peak-

Adanma was high on himself on writing the poem he composed for Jennet and the wristwatch he gave to her on her birthday and said to himself “The words of a poet are venomous. They spread quickly to the heart of the hearer” and smiled at what he just composed. He was having his dinner alone at home in their parlor as his parents were not around. On finishing his meal, He went straight to his room to attend to his school assignment. He still couldn’t get his mind off the early occurrence of the day.

‘knock, knock’ a voice came from the door. It was his parents at the door! Adanma opened the door letting both his parents into the house. ‘how was school?’ the heavy voice of his father boomed in the living room. ‘it was fine dad’ he replied absent mindedly. ‘While I was on my way from the market’ he added ‘I met your mother, and we came home together’ he ended his statement while his wife agreed nodding her head. ‘Food is ready’ he said. seemingly tired of his father’s gist. He led them to the dining room after collecting their bags and dished out their foods and his. ‘Father, thank you for providing this food oh lord, continue to provide for this family’ he prayed and they all chorused ‘Amen!’

The next day to the Adanmas was a fateful one. A full smile stuck on his face like a leech on its host’s body. He seems to be happy with the day. The sun above seems to smile down at him. The sky, out with tranquil bosom. Happiness blooming on the face of the earth. The day seems to be so perfect.

Adanma was on his way to school that fateful morning. An unexpected blast was heard from afar shattering every form of tranquil in the atmosphere giving rise to the utmost contrast of the day’s imagery. Tension arising, many, fleeing from the face of death or rather, ‘at the sound of death’ as no one or very few people knew what was wrong. They all heard the sound and ran. Soon enough, it became clear to the inhabitants.

There had been a fight between The Police force and some robbers. Adanma on the other hand had no idea of what to do. He had the idea of running straight home but, he was far, far away from home and was close to his school. Without much deliberation, he ran straight to his school.

Now at school, nothing seems to had happened. All was peaceful! Everyone was going on with their normal life.

Adanma arrived late to school. He came few minutes after the assembly. The head teacher threw countless questions at him as if, it was his fault he arrived late to school. Adanma on the other hand, who was still in shock of what happened couldn’t give a tangible explanation but still, he was pardoned by the head teacher who knew Adanma couldn’t have come late without a tangible reason since he had always been a good student.

The early occurrence of the day took an awful turn at Adanma as he couldn’t concentrate in class that day.

Mr. Thompson, their mathematics teacher stepped into the class. No sooner had he entered than the student all arose in unison and chorused ‘good morning sir, we are happy to see you today. God bless you sir and your family amen!’ he gesticulate his right arm asking them to get on their seats. They all sat down gently and quietly. Mr. Thompson is not someone to mess with.
Both teachers and students feared him because of his authoritative attitude and absolute strictness. He is a no nonsense man! ‘Good day students!’ he greeted as his voice ran through the room breaking through the silence that had swallowed the class. ‘Good evening sir!’ the students replied again in unison. ‘Today, I’ll be taking you on circle geometry’ he said as he wrote on the board.

He heard a sound from one of the students and stopped abruptly, faced the classroom scanning the classroom for the culprit. Silence was restored and he continued with his teaching. He gave the class some examples on the board and faced the students. He noticed something unusual and weird from Adanma, he was lost in thought.

Mr. Thompson called out his name cutting him off his thought 'Adanma' he said again in a meek and gentle tone. 'what's wrong?' he asked again. 'Nothing sir' he said almost cutting Mr. Thompson short.
He was called to the board to solve an equation in which he did perfectly. 'give him a round of applause'. The class all clapped in unison giving that sort of a roaring tune.

The time keeper jingled the bell for break. Like an hungry zombie, they all rushed out as if in a zombie apocalypse.

Happiness seems to loom the surrounding. Nothing seemed to had happened except for the broken glasses shattered and scattered all around.

Adanma is on his way home. He couldn't help but wonder throughout the day. Why? He asked no one in particular.

He got to his house. knocking, he could hear people weeping behind the gate. He knocked again only to figure out that the gate wasn't locked. He got in with obvious shock written over his face still not knowing what had happened until his mom spoke...

Hell was let loosed! Adanma couldn't take it any more. He went and wept and questioned no one in particular. Why? He said.

During the uproar that morning, his father had been shot by a stray bullet. Some hours passed before Adanma arrived, his mother received a call from the hospital with the horrible news of her husband's death!

Wearied and saddened, Adanma's mom rushed inside to pick her bag and rushed to the gate leaving Adanma who was still confused half way behind. No sooner had she gotten to the gate than he got hold of himself.
© jhaybarddaily