

The Little Paper Tiger
Fan Lei is a General returned from war. He is the Forth Prince once believed to have great potential.
Unable to keep herself upright the sleeping woman fell from her perch. During the day she was like a lazy cat basking in sunlight awaiting nightfall to roam and have fun.

With a thud, she landed on top of the man that had settled down at the base of the great oak. Assaulted he screamed in pain and fright. He was a prince, after all, his first thought was that it was an assassination.

Flailing about he shoved the offender as hard as he could. Once getting a little distance between them he took in the appearance of the person.

Heavily sun-kissed skin, defined brows, and a somewhat delicate face. If it weren't for his hand settled on the assailant's chest he would think it was a youth like himself.

Starting at the person dressed in the eye-catching uniform of the Hu Clan military with their hair tied neatly in a top knot, his shocked and scared expression morphed into an angry scowl.

His face was red in indignation.

However, just as he was about to open his mouth to rebuke the person who dared attack him their eyes opened. Twin black jades stared down at him like a bottomless abyss, void of any in-depth emotion. Aside from a faint sense of surprise that lasted less than a second the person's thoughts and intentions where unreadable.

" You dare to offend me like this... little one? "

" You... You- I am the one offended. How dare you accuse me, you obscene woman. Do you think because you are from the Hu Clan that you can do as you please? Today this 'little one' will teach you! "

Exclaiming in surprise the woman was pushed over, however, she instinctively grabbed unto his robe causing them both to tumble down a small decline in the earth.

Finding herself once again on top of the little paper tiger she frowned still try to analyze the situation. She was peacefully asleep and suddenly was assaulted by breathtaking pain. Once she awoke this little tiger accused her and because vicious, showing his paper claws.

His scrunched up face was quite the image as his eyes flared up like a fire pit. Hot and entitled. He was the one that grabbed her chest without thought or conscious yet he dared scold her.

A fair hand shot out towards her face. Effortlessly she stopped it, a sinister smirk appearing as she stared down at the critter like fella.

" Little Tiger be good or I can't promise you that you will leave this place unscathed. "

She warned. Noticing the alarm and fright in his eyes as he face darkened upon hearing her words, she was reminded of a virgin girl at the mercy of a wicked man.

With a small face and fair skin the youth was probably in his teens, his eyes vivid and clear became clouded in fear as he struggled in vain and only hurt himself.

" Let me go, you vile woman! How can you harass a man so shamelessly? "

" Man? " hearing this she chuckled finding his words truly amusing. The desire to tease him ten-fold " Little Tiger, you are but a boy... Why don't aunty teach you how a thing or two? "

" What do you mean- ah! No, don't! Help save me! Someone- nghh!! "

The woman first bit his neck, hard enough that water sprang up into his eyes but careful enough not to tear the skin. Then with her tongue like a venomous snake tasting its meal, she licked the underside of his left eye where he had a mole.

Lastly, she captured his mouth in an abusive onslaught, drowning his cries for help. The man truly felt violated in every part of his being.

However, she did not go too far and he had to thank the high heavens that she had not shoved her wicked tongue into his precious mouth. His lips, however, were not salvageable, swollen, and bruised from abuse.

Staring down at the man in utter shock the woman felt a sense of satisfaction.

' Tut... How dare you abuse me and not expect me to abuse you? '

" Today's lesson, pick your battles wisely and know when to yield," she said getting up, dusting herself off, she stared down at the soulless body of the boy she who's innocence she had probably just stolen.

" Next time you assault a woman go about it differently, who knows when someone may pluck your flower. " She said darkly with obvious intent.

Seeing him scurry away to create some distance she snickered to herself. See, these youths need to be thought a lesson! Not all women are easy prey, some of us are predators.

" Little Tiger if we meet again let us continue where we felt off if you dare... "

#novel #DragonGeneral #Wattpad