

Deviant Obituary
Book Synopsis

In the dark, cold and wet places of society lurks an unknown assailant. Fear grips the hearts of many when the sun goes down to rest. The body count is on a rise and noone knows the reason. It's the thought of making it home or making it onto the NEWS that crosses their minds. Such a beautiful place with an even uglier side. Where do they come from and why are they doing these things? Are the questions on the investigators minds.
"Will I be the one? Will today be my day?" Are the questions on the victims lips. Who will be the one to provide answers to these questions?


This book is dedicated to all the readers and writers of fantasy, thriller, horror and every other genre that's creative and mind boggling. It could be dark, it could be light but just write it right. This is also dedicated to the people who love to take their minds unknown and untold. I hope you enjoy every page and chapter, like i did when I wrote this. Let this be a first time as well as a different experience, to the eyes and minds that read and indulge in these pages.
Happy Reading!
One Love

© Nimrad Robinson