

Life is a mystery
Life always has it's ways of guiding us, the reason life cannot predict the future is because, when we walk on a beach and we leave our footsteps behind, and as we continue walking the water washes our footsteps away as it goes and comes, because such is the nature of the ocean, it also cleanses itself. That is why you can be walking on the beach and you will probably find a coconut which has already rotted due to the constant push and pull of the waves. This coconut has travelled far from probably another part of the world, it has been to the depths of the ocean and it has gone through so much just to wash itself over the shore which you see as you walk by this beach. When you see a coconut, a rotten coconut, the first thing that comes to your mind is that probably someone was sitting by beach and was sipping up coconut water and the person might have just polluted the sea with the coconut, and it was probably just nearby before it washed itself over to you. Whenever we walk, our footsteps on the beach get washed away and disappear, but we don't really care about those footsteps, because it is of no value to us. We are not losing anything, it's just your foots design carved on the sand temporarily for hardly five seconds, after that it's washed away. Same is our life, where when you meet a person you think that you will just befriend them and get to know them, then you realize that this person was just a rotten coconut like you, this person went through so much, he or she drowned and drowned again, the only difference is this person drowned with a beating heart and it survived it swum up to the top of the ocean until it could see the sun, this person rose from all of the waves pushing and pulling it away from drowning again. But this person chose to ignore the fears, because it got so used to the waves attitude metaphorically that it learnt how to overcome it, it learnt how to endure the drowning from the waves, it learnt that drowning until the ocean floor led it to discover it's true self. It was not surrounded by anyone or anything but water. If you let the water sink you, it will, but if you have hope in not drowning, you won't drown, you'll fight until you reach the top of the water and you will use the sun as your guide to see where you are headed to. Same thing in life, people complain of depression, people complain of their future while they cannot be grateful for having a good present life, they aim for the future and that is why they do not see what they have to do, in order to gain a good future. Planning for the future is good. But living in your presence is more better than assuming what life will be like next. Do not assume because your life is not an assumption. You can choose to find a saviour with a boat and get on it after you reach the top of the water from the ocean, or you can stay in that water overthinking what will happen if you enter the boat or what if the saviour is going to kill me. Stop imagining things that haven't happened yet. Imagining and planning your future is a good thing. But do not plan too much, because then something might happen and you will regret not having been grateful for what is present right now. For a coconut it's life is over as it gets pushed on the seashore. But for you, you can either choose to get on that boat and get to a safer place where you can breath and live than staying in the ocean thinking about how to save yourself yet you do not have a plan to find out how to accomplish getting on that boat. The process from when you were on the ocean floor, to when you saw the sunlight and when the saviour came with a boat and gave you a helping hand and you took that hand with no hesitation and got on that boat, and life continued, life moved on again. This type of plan is fruitful for you, because it was beneficial for you, you planned how to attack the waves and get on the boat, but what happens if your plan, which was a mission of escape from the ocean was not accomplished, then what? Do you stay at the ocean bed, dormant for a while or do you stay awake, get up and motivate yourself not to give up getting up to the water surface and getting the boat? It is up to you? You choose what you want life to be. Actually that is wrong you are not entirely the planner of your life or future life. You are just expected to plan, but you should also let fate do it's job. Fate for many can be a bad thing. But the truth is when fate does something bad to us, we tend to quickly shift our mindset to depression and anxiety. You don't need all of this, think positive, think out of that anxiety wardrobe of yours. Fate sometimes takes something from us because it wants to show us something, it does this through signs, either it shows you signs that something good is going to happen or something bad is going to happen, yes we can see signs sometimes, but many people choose to ignore the signs, because what they see as a good thing, is probably not good for them in the long term. Hence when you are faced with a calamity, do not always jump to conclusions that your life is a disaster. It is not a disaster. Sometimes we have to go through that disaster to find our true self, our true purpose in life, to find our strengths, to find our hidden talents. This is mostly the reason of a calamity. If it is a financial calamity, it is teaching you how many others in the world constantly live like this, and it is teaching you to be grateful for what you have.You could be living in a two bedroom apartment with your spouse and one child for instance, and you might be facing poverty, but you do not see the brighter side of things because you choose to look at what type of clothes you wear, or what type of food your spouse and child are eating, or what type of miserable life you are living. No! That is not the reason for a calamity, life can be a b.. but life is trying to teach you to look closer, to examine the miserable life you think you are living, when you are busy scrutinizing life, why do you not think that atleast, you have a roof on top of you, you have food on the table, you have clothes to wear even if these clothes are not many, you have water to shower and keep yourself clean.Well, you also have a gadget to keep yourself busy with rubbish like how the rich kids and rich mums are living, you have friends who have high standards and so you think that in order to fit in you must find and strive to live like them to feel satisfied.But the truth is if you look behind the scenes of these people who claim to be living incredible lives, well most of them are not living the "happy life" you know why? This is because they take pictures of themselves and post them on social platforms, but behind that makeup is a woman who cried all night and she did not sleep at all, she probably has not slept for days, because she is so addicted to her desires of preserving her standards of a rich life, that she doesn't even live life, she is constantly living life on the edge, she has everything from money, to cars to houses. But SHE IS NOT HAPPY! This is what you as the miserable life claimer thinks. You think this person is happier than you, yet you do not know the full story behind the scenes. If I was you who thinks I am living a miserable life, I would change my life to doing things that make my life more productive. If I have to choose to learn how to be more grateful in life, I would volunteer to helping in a good cause like helping children in orphanages, raising money for them to go school, to go to university, so that they can have a good life. I do not want to constantly remember that I am not rich and I live in a two bedroom apartment.No! If I was that lady comparing myself to the rich mums in my child's school, I would be more grateful than ever, because this sign tells me I should remove my child from an expensive school that doesn't teach morals but teaches standards and encourages children to degrade other children according to their living standards.
You should look at all the signs trying to tell you to live a better life. You should stop being anxious, stop thinking about how others are living the perfect life, while you are living a terrible life. No life is terrible, no matter how hard things are, always trust in yourself and always wake up every morning saying that "there will be better days" you should say this to encourage youself, to motivate yourself to looking forward for a better life, a better beginning. Life doesn't have a beginning because you can begin as many times as you want, life doesn't care, even if you are fifty years old and you want to start off life again, go ahead! Life has no beginning. But life does have an ending, that ends when you die obviously, but that's the normal death. Life will have a better ending, if you choose how to end it well. Life can walk you in like those footsteps on the beach but life can also tell you to walk, and cover up those footsteps you left behind. That is why do not look at the past, you will find nothing. Just like those footsteps, if you look back after one minute, you will see the footsteps have already disappeared. You cannot get those same footprints that just got washed away by the water. But what you can do is look back and say "Bye bye past, you taught me alot" and you can get on that boat and move to a journey that's waiting to show you wonders you have never seen before. Life is what you choose it to be, not plan it to be. Once you choose what and how you want to live, then automatically planning just goes with the flow, you won't need to worry about the future plan. It will just come on it's own path, like a tributary that finds it's own new path, without trying, it just flows to where the path takes it. Be positive, be loving and most of all BE GRATEFUL, because good things always come after a calamity. No calamity is permanent ever! Learn to be thankful because there are many, in other parts of the world who would find your life as a dream come true for them, because they do not have much.Just imagine how much they would love to live your life, so stop asking for more, because you have enough actually, you just need to make good use of what you already have...yes, life is a mystery indeed!



#embracelife #betterdaysarecoming #lifeistough #lifeisamazing #lifeisamystery