What if Hiro took care of Ferdinand?
Ferdinand was a little calf, all that he cares about is flowers. Ferdinand didn't want to be a bull just like everyone else, well most of it he doesn't want to fight. " I'm going to be chosen because I'm the fastest bull around!" Bones said, " In your dreams bones." Valiante said, Ferdinand didn't really had friends, plus Valiante Bullies him. " Oh look it's the flower bull!" Valiante said, " Be careful!" Ferdinand said, a cuple minutes later thire dad's came out to fight! " Good luck dad!" Valiante said, " Wish me luck!" Raf said, " Good luck dad." Ferdinand said, the bulls were fighting for a short minute, then El Pimero closed Ferdinands dad. " It's okay dad, you'll get them next time." Valiante said, " Who asked you? " Valiantes dad asked, after Ferdinands dad left, all he could think about was his dad coming back. But he didn't. One night Ferdinand escaped, he ran and ran as fast as he could then he fell. He saw someone and a dog, but he closes his eyes. The next day, Ferdinand met someone special. * Hiro opens the door* " Hiro was 10 when he saw Ferdinand. " It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you." Hiro said, Ferdinand was scared, he kept on backing away from Hiro. " It's okay." Hiro said, * Pets him* " See, I'm not going to hurt you." Hiro said, * Ferdinand sniffs a flower in Hiros left hand* " Oh, you like flowers?" Hiro asked, * Ferdinand siffs* " I'm going to take good care of you." Hiro said, Hiro showed Ferdinand a flower feild, Ferdinand was Norvasc go look over there. " Go on, it's okay." Hiro said, * Ferdinand runs around* Hiro and his dad watched him run around and seeing him all happy. Hiro and Ferdinand always go to flower festivals together, they never leave each other behind. * A few years later* Now Hiro was 14 and Ferdinand was all grown up. Hiro always rides on Ferdinand for fun, Hrio and Ferdinand had an...