

Dream 13467

Dream 13467 - The Haunted Swamp Amd Trans-astralla-portation

July 1st, 2024 - 3:34 AM

As I pushed deeper into the hellish swamp, the skies suddenly opened up above me. To my horror, demonic figures began descending from the dark clouds, their clawed hands reaching towards me.

Alone and unarmed, I resorted to my only means of defense - my bare hands and a flurry of dance-like movements. I twisted and turned, dodging the demons' attacks with a graceful ferocity, my body becoming a blur of motion.

But no matter how many I fought off, more seemed to take their place, the swamp becoming a battlefield of supernatural forces. The face of the young girl flashed before me once more, her expression a silent plea for help.

Determined to escape this nightmare, I pushed onward, my dance-fighting skills the only thing keeping the demons at bay. As I neared the edge of the swamp, the scene repeated itself - the skies would open, the demons would descend, and I would have to fight for my life all over again.

Finally, in a moment of desperation, I realized that I would have to create my own means of escape. Gathering what little strength I had left, I focused my mind and willed a makeshift transport into existence.

As the demons closed in once more, I leapt into the craft, the vehicle lifting me up and out of the swamp's grasp. I watched in relief as the hellish landscape shrank below me, the demonic figures fading into the distance.

But even as I escaped, I knew that the nightmare was far from over. The haunting face of the young girl still lingered in my mind, and I knew that I would have to return, eventually, to uncover the secrets of this cursed place.

© TLTSU Samuel H Hunwick