

A short story...Fear
The streetlights were dim as the mist enclosed it in its mysterious grip. She peered out of her window into the darkness, was there someone out there or was it her imagination?

Her first reflex was to switch off the screen of her laptop, leaving the pillared white baronial house in utter darkness. She remained still, trying to figure out her wild thoughts. 16 years old Shimmer shivered at the thought that someone unknown was lurking behind those huge swirling branches of the Banyan tree, adorning her yard. A quick glance, at the fluorescent clock in the drawing room, didn’t give her any assurance. It was nearly midnight and her parents would be back only by 2 a.m. She frowned as she couldn’t lay her hand on her mobile.

What followed just added to her fancy. Bang… A lurid pounding against the windows got her frantic.

“Surely, someone is out there,” she panicked.

The sound kept on echoing, adding to
the howling of the wind, creating a weird setup of a bad horror movie. Despite the cold, she felt beads of perspiration streaming down her forehead and her stomach churned making her nauseated. Her mind reeled with the unanticipated rush of adrenaline.

“Keep your calm. Breathe slowly,” she remembered her mom’s words to her never-ending overreactions.
The words somehow brought back a sense of composure and she once again tried to reach for her mobile. But in vain. The sound grew louder and from the sofa she could figure out silhouettes approaching. She frantically held a sob from escaping.

Soon a bizarre feeling started to creep inside her. Her home, the only secured place on earth which usually used to be like her fortress, was transforming into an unknown space. The tiny split seconds, when lucidity would try to rise in her, gave her some courage but which was soon conquered by the interminable hideous thoughts within her. She struggled to move but she was as if stuck. This merely mounted her anxiety.

She crouched on the sofa, gathering the cushions and blanket as her shields. Her thoughts played havoc to her senses repeating bloody scenarios in her mind. Suddenly two green piercing eyes, in the far end of the room, near the windows’ satin white curtains, gave her heart a lurch. Her mind hammered ceaselessly against her rib cage. Shimmer tightly squeezed her eyes, as if the shinning eyes would stop staring at her. But nothing helped. The eyes were there.

Emotions flooded each cell of hers and soon paranoia found its way in her. The smashing sound coming form the far away kitchen resonated in the house and Shimmer was now convinced that someone or something must be in the house. She had always been so tempted to believe in paranormal ideas and her more than fertile mind raced recklessly, nourishing her with all sorts of terrifying stories. She clenched her teeth in despair.

“Whatever! No such thing as vampires! Am going nuts,” she tried to console her uncontrollable nerves. But, neither her mind nor the banging on the windows would stop. She wanted to scream but words remained stuck in her dry throat. Hot tears watered her pale cheeks as the eyes began nearing her. She drew the blankets over her face as her only weapon. Her heart sank, realizing that she had no way out.

She revived her last moments spent with her closed ones, and her mind exploded with fright of never seeing any of them, ever again.

Something cold glided on the arms, pushing her hair away. Shimmer’s froze and the muted relentless agony of the last few minutes gave way to a shrilling poignant sound of distress, breaking the night’s silence. Light flooded in.

“hush baby,” her mom’s soothing voice brought her to reality.

“Mom.there’s..” she stammered as her dad tried to calm a shaking hysteric Shimmer, in his strong reassuring embrace. He smiled knowing that his daughter’s thoughts could have caused her terrible harm.

“Nothing but your weird fanciful world filled with vampires got the best of you baby,” his dad comforted his wailing child.

Later, they all laughed about the stupid episode but deep within her Shimmer knew what the mind was capable of. She acknowledged how we are controlled by our senses and to go beyond became her challenge.

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