

Around my first love, again. (Between Me and my 'Cousin-Aunt '.E3)
The first time I started seeing Priyanka in a different light, I started getting the same vibes being around my first and the only serious crush I had until then...

I was torn between arousal and guilt, nothing the sort 'Erotic' happened, but I had recurring thoughts about Mahima...

This story would be incomplete if I don't mention this phase i went through at the beginning, it was soothing, and painful at the same time. This episode doesn't help in progressing the story, doesn't cater to audience of erotica...it could as well be shared as an independent short story.

But I realized my feelings to Priyanka was more than mere seductive fantasies in those initial days. To convey what I actually went through, I feel this story deserves to be shared.

Ep3. Around my first love, again.

The first day, back at their flat…I was literally living in hell, it felt like sitting in a theatre playing your much awaited movie; but with your eyes forced shut…

I couldn’t keep eye contact with her. I tried to keep away from her in order to prevent such thoughts provoking me. She talked to me just like how she used to, but I felt uncomfortable around her and moved away citing some unreasonable excuse. I couldn’t even call her ‘priyanka chechi’ anymore. When I had to converse, I tried calling her Chechi (sister) ,the way I easily used to. But it stayed in my mouth, like a forbidden word you never call a lover. I didn’t use any name to call her, I just started talking to her without any salutations,...