

32. The devil wants me
Mia's P.O.V

I was about to teleport out but he spoke to me, causing me to look his way.

"Come to me Mia" I felt the urge to go and stand by his side so I did as he said.

"Look at me princess" I look up at him and he's very handsome but he's evil and so not my type he looks to be in his late twenties he have long jet black hair that falls below his shoulders his hair is in a half up half down style his ocean blue eyes are mesmerizing and he is well built.

He grabbed me by my waist and threw me over his shoulders. I don't know what has come over me but I am unable to move and to be honest I'm scared for my life. I never heard of his kind before, what the hell is an Arozian.

But no matter what I must get away from him, he's so powerful he could kill all of us in a heartbeat so I mustered up the courage to teleport out and I teleported to my father's office thank goodness my brothers and the demon and vampire family are here.

"We need to run now you remember the thing we talked about in the meeting well Levin need to do it now we need evacuate to the demon world because the person who is behind all of this can kill all of us in heart beat guys he's fucking huge he's like 13 feed tall and he say he's an Arozian I don't what the heck that is"

"Mianea Arozian is a myth and if they really are real then we're doomed" said Levin.

"Please guys, we need to leave, let go now" I said in fear.

"Mianea, are you positive he said he was Arozian?" asked Levin

"Yes and he was huge like 13 feet tall and the power radiating off of him would make you want to crap your pants in fear" I said in fear.

Everyone looked at me in shock. Why are they looking at me like that? Do they think I'm crazy?

"B,b,b, behind you," said Malic.

I turned and there he was standing right there and all I could do was watch in fear.

My father shot one of his special magic arrows at him and he caught it I was so scared no one could escape one of my father's arrows but he caught it my father had the power to make weapon out if thin air his arrows are deadly even if it tips you're whole body would be paralyze but he just caught it like it was nothing.

"Okay we need to stop playing," said Levin.

He conjured up of his deadly demon spells the same one he used to kill my great great great grandfather Lucious he then throw his death ball of flames at Aryuk he also caught it no one and when I say no one can escape his deadly ball of flames yet Aryuk just caught it I think we need to run.

We all teleported out and we teleported to Dimitr's kingdom.

"Dad, you need to make the portal to the Demon world, we need to get Mia's family out and we need to get as many of our people as possible out of here. We can't defeat him not now at least," said Flynn.

"Flynn is right," said Levin.

He then opens the portal and I must say it's beautiful. I can see over into the demon realm and it is quite beautiful over there.

We all go through the portal and now we are in the Demon world. My whole family and Dimitr's sons and brothers crossed over to the demon world with us but they only came with us so that we can get settled. After that they're going back to help Dimitri and Levin.

They took us to Levin's palace and showed us to our rooms. I ended up meeting Elizabeth and she said she would show us around so they left and Elizabeth showed us around the palace.

Back in the supernatural world.

Levin's P.O.V

I can keep this Portal open for much longer I'm losing strength I don't know how he manage to turn our own men against us I refuse to believe it's it's mind control no one control more than four minds without feeling weak or powerless yet he's controlling so many people theirs over a hundred people her and they are trying to to break in the castle I'm afraid we might have to head out now before he gets here we managed to get a lot of people out it time to close the portal.

"Sons we need to leave now we have all the different races we can rebuild the supernatural work later but for now we need to escape I'm losing strength"

They all entered the portal and I followed behind them and just as I closed the portal I could see him running towards us. He must have just arrived because I know he's powerful and he can also teleport so I know he would have gotten through the portal if he was anywhere near us.

We lost today but we would take back the supernatural and human world one day I know we would.

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