

Bad For You
He was bad for her. By all accounts and purposes Freya shouldn’t be doing what she was doing at the moment. Which was shimmying on the black, sequined dress with the thin straps and the high slit. Her red hair bounced on her skin curled to near perfection.
Waiting for him to dig his hands into it and pull it sharply while he searched her eyes.

Fuck. He was trouble. The bad kind of trouble the kind that left her sizzling for days and her heart on the floor trampled upon. But he had called her. Pleading to see her one last time.

“Where the hell are you going?” A familiar voice intruded into her thoughts.

Freya froze for two seconds, looked over her shoulder at her best friend and just shrugged quickly resuming her task of wearing her pointy heels.

Heels he would take off with his teeth tonight. Her body internally shivered at the thought but outwardly she was cool as a cucumber.
“Out. With some friends,” she lied smoothly.
After her heels were in place she stood and walked to the mirror on her dresser to make sure she looked good. Her makeup was dark and bold, her skin perfumed with the lilting scent of liliacs.

“Which friends?” came the question behind her, suspicious.

Freya didn’t turn around. Her best friend could tell she was lying through her eyes and if the girl found out who she was going to see she might as well have an aneurysm.
“Friends from the skate park. It’s a fancy place, the rich snobby boy is paying.” She shouldn’t be such an easy liar. Another reason why she needed to stay away from him. He made her lie without even thinking.

“Okay. When will you be back?” Her best friend wasn’t totally convinced but had no reason to keep prying.

As she turned, Freya pretended to think about an answer. She grabbed her purse off the bed and walked to her friend, dropping a kiss on her forehead with the corner of her dark lips.
“Very late. I’m planning to get wasted and have one of them eat me in the bathroom.”

It made her best friend chuckle.
“I won’t wait up then.”

“See you later.”

Freya got picked up by his driver a few houses away from her building, anxiously checking her phone for any new text from him possibly canceling their plans for tonight. It wouldn’t be the first time she dressed up and got bailed on. She would have to hit a bar and drink in dejection while randos hit on her.

No new text. That was good.

Turning off her phone completely she stuffed in her purse, puffed a breath and stepped down from the tinted black car. Having seen the shimmering interior of the building a lot of times, she just went up to the desk took the visitor’s card and made her way to the elevator.

Her anxiety in the car had gradually turned to slight panic. What if he turned her away last minute? Or refused to touch her because he hated her dress?

She missed his touch. Her body yearned for it. It’s been a month already, she wasn’t sure how much longer she could’ve been going.

Coming to a halt at his door, she knocked twice. It opened almost immediately and a hand grabbed her instantly. Mid gasp, her back slammed into the hard door and her breath cut off as another mouth latched onto hers. Everything fell away.

His kiss was far from fluttery. It was demanding, reckless…hungry.
Freya melted into his kiss. How she had missed it.
When he stopped for her to breathe, his mouth trailed hot kisses down her neck, biting the soft skin and running down her chest. Telling her without words that he had missed her equally just as much.

Freya let out a ragged breath. “On your knees pretty boy.”

He jerked his head back up, dark lust shining in his hooded eyes a sharp smiled drawing his mouth. “I don’t take orders from you,” his voice rumbled with undeniable hunger.

Her hands came to his shoulders and pushed him down impatiently. Being bigger than her, she knew he allowed himself to be pushed. He was predictable like that.
His rough fingers slid up the skin of her thigh exposed by the slit, while his lips pressed fiery kisses.
Sparking her body with little fires that would turn flames soon.

Her best friend couldn’t possibly understand why she always went back to him. He was bad for her but she wasn’t good for him either.

She felt her panties make its way down her legs and gave a soft moan. He tossed it away and gazed up at her with glazed eyes that held strong passion like he was awaiting orders. Raising one leg, she brought it to his chest and slowly pushed it forward into his neck.
He fell back to the floor grinning. His hands wrapped around her ankle.
She looked down at him, a smile drawing the corner of her mouth upward. “How hungry are you?”

“Come here let me show you,” he growled, pulling her leg.

Freya obliged, lowered herself to him, crawling to his face. His beautiful damning face. She wondered for a split second if his wife appreciated the striking nature of his face when he woke up next to her.
Then she rotated her hips, spread her legs and sat on it with a deep moan.

© 0506girly