

~~Unique creation~~
Ardheneswara -Symbol of love and harmony beetween prakriti and purusha.......
We all have seen transgender people , around us .... They are a beautiful and unique creation of God . As they are diffrent from the majority , we dominate them . They are seperated from their parents , siblings , society . They are looked down by their closed ones . They are humilitated, abussed , harrased , discriminated , restricted from visiting colleges , schools , offices ...
Is this behaviour Right ???
Is this behavior Giving Justice to them ???
Is this how we are setting an example for our future generation ...???
Answer is Noooooo .......
Few months earlier , we found Many laws were passed , for their equality . And Yes , our society is progessing....Many transgenders are setting example ~~ Sathyashri Sharmilla - Transgender lawyer , seeking justice for the people like her ....
Prithika Yashini - first transgender Inspector .
And many more ........
Dear readers , lets spread more and more awarness . Let's help them make a place in this society ....Instead of dominating them let's Make a peace surrounding for all of us ....This would bring a great progess on developement of our country ......
They are a pure soul .....Blessings from them makes speed recovery , doubles our happiness and this is truee!!!!!!!!!!

© preeti_ps