

I'm human and not I'm not a hobo
I am human not a hobo I have feelings just like you I'm a person just like you don't judge me because I live on these empty streets I have no clothes to wear and no food to eat if you could lend a helping hand if you have the heart to give give it to the homeless people if you care enough volunteer if you have the time to share your cheer brighten my day because I live nowhere I have no place to call home I lost everything I need some help is that too much to ask for

I am human not a hobo validate me for I am validated I should not have to suffer and sit in silence while I have to have no food to eat or no clothes to wear it's hard to make a living out here don't judge me because I am human just like you people have feelings too my emotions speak louder than I can express when I have so much distress and I'm not sure where to go to lay my head down to know I'm not going to be frowned upon with people who just don't understand

I am human not a hobo most of the time I have to think of where I have to stay instead these empty streets full of plague why do you got to be so vague when it rains I'm cold when it's hot I'm sweating all I ask is for some food and water and maybe a bit of your spare change because it's hard out here sometimes you just don't know where to go when you feel like there's nowhere to go especially if you're so poor that's hard just to make a dimes worth of daily living

I am human not a hobo so just because it's not easy you don't have to be mean or rude especially if I just ask you you could be kind show your empathy and maybe some sympathy just like any other person maybe sit with me and hear my story about how I might of gotten this way I may be different but does that give you rich or middle class people to judge me by how I smell or how dirty I am it's definitely not easy when you have to be out here on these empty streets full of plague and nowhere to go or nowhere to stay

I am human now I hope all I wish you would understand that I just want to be heard and not have to be ignored just because the way I look the way I dress her and maybe not even have any food to eat I might look skinny I might look bad but I'm just a human just like you I'm a person too so next time you are so quick to jump to conclusions about maybe I'm a druggie or an alcoholic think to yourself maybe I can help this poor person for they are not a hobo they are a human just like me.