


He called me thespian.
I have nothing of such in one soul and mental orientation.
Words are beautiful. And praise is kind to the hearers.
Many years had past,
And here i am. looking at heavens gate.
Maybe you might come back home and finish the good work you once started few years back.
All things, i counted blessed.
The memory we once shared together.
The beauty of thou mouth, the inspiration that birthed all have come to cherish.
I long to tell thee few progress i had made through grace not by pride.
If you could recalled your very word before thou departure.
My heart is heavy, i could see millions of souls in hades with pains and agony.
A. Alex,
And there was no hope of coming back to repentance.
I was told,
it was raining the very day you last kissed mother land.
And you came out and looked at the firmament and whispered quietly.My train is here to take me home mother. And you later, requested for water and a precious stone for the journey ahead is neither for the weak at heart.
And so, the story ended.

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