

A girl with attitude
Once there was a girl with full of attitude. Her parents were very much worried for her future. She was very rich and she had everything whatever she wanted. As her parents were of kind nature they had no attitude at all. They always used to make her understand about her nature which would hurt her in future. But the girl was full with attitude she was not ready to listen to her parents. Days passed, day by day her attitude problem was harming everyone, she always use to laugh at the poor and beggars. One day, she met with a boy in her college, a poor fellow. He always wore simple dress, he just came to study. She always looked her but she didn't know that he was poor, he was the topper of her class. She always stared her, one day she asked the boy- where are you from? The boy replied I am from Sitapur, he was so innocent that after answering her question he left the place. The girl was in love with him, but her thinking towards poor would hamper this love.
Days passed, she went to that boy and asked him for friendship. He accepted the friendship and friendship turned into love. They truly loved each other. But the time would say the love from girl's side was true or not?
After few days, they were in a park sharing thier feelings, suddenly the boy asked her about her family and all. She proudly gave details about her family. Then she asked the boy, he told her the truth I am from a small village my mom works as a servant in a house, she really work hard for me so that i could fulfill my dreams. The girl was shocked, she told him what? Your mmm mother work as servant. No, No, No it would not work why didn't you told me earlier that you are a poor fellow. The boy said-"What are you saying, you loved me just for money?" The girl said, " leave it we would live in my home , just leave your mother and come with me". The boy slapped her and said don't you dare to say this again and i am breaking up with you. The girl was crying. She went in depression. Her parents were tensed. Then the time came, she understood what is love, care, respect, human are human no rich no poor. Love never happen seeming rich and poor. The girl went to the boy, accepted her mistakes and pardoned also for all the wrongful activities done by her. She was totally changed.
Moral- Love turns a beast nature into a divine soul.