

Love Story Of A Breeze-part 2
They both talked for a while.
Daniel : Hey by the way how old are you?
Stacy : 16 she replied.
Daniel : Oh am 17
Suddenly Stacy's phone rang.
Its getting late for me my dad is waiting at the entrance see you later.
By saying this she stood up and started walking away from Daniel.
After a distance she turned back and waved her hand at him.
Daniel felt refreshed and good talking to her.He went back to home and saw his mom. How was the park? made any friends yet? Daniels mom asked.
Yes mom today i met a girl at the park and she was really nice to me.
Daniel replied
Mom : Oh. Its good that you are making some connections over the neighborhood. we are new here right.
Daniel : Yes mom. I thunk i will meet her at the same place tomorrow.
Mom : Did you get her number or something.?
Daniel : Oh no mom. Its not nice to ask a girl her number just after meeting her for the first time.
Mom : hahhha..iam just playing with you boyy.
Daniel : Stop it mom
Daniel went straight to his room and closed the door.
Today was cool.I think i must spend more time with her. And also its vacation so no busy schedules.
Daniel whispered all this in his mind.
He opened Netflixil and continued a series he started.

3-4 days passed Daniel made somany friends. And his friendship with Stacy become more stronger that she even gave him her number..
Daniel reached at the park and sat on the bench they always meet.
After a while stacy also arrived. The main and funny problem in between them was that there is nothing intresting to talk about.
Do you finished your book?
Daniel asked.
Yes i have. Stacy replied.
Daniel : Hey can i ask something?
Stacy : Yes go on.
Daniel : Why do you always comes to this park for.? and you always choose this exact same bench?
Stacy : ( With a pleasant smile ) Its because the slightly cold breeze. I am here to experience it. My dad and my mom met here at this exact same spot. She died when i was 14. When i sit here i get a feel of freshness and the breeze makes it more better. My father always said the breeze here in this park is like a magical thing that it joined my mom and dad together.

Daniel smiled at her face.

Stacy : Can i ask you the same question Daniel? (She smiled)

To Be Continued.............

#love # lovestory #heartbreak #feelgood #friendship

@anna_kim @Silvie_5891 @Avia @Rejo_7931

© Eren