

Share My Pain: Part 6 of 6
Cassidy awoke on Thursday morning to the sound of thunder and Jordan in excruciating pain! His vains were covering his body, his wounds were reopening again, and tears came from his eyes from the pain he was enduring and rolled down his face!

Cassidy spoke to him;

Cassidy: Jordan what's wrong, what's Happening!?
Jordan: Aaaaahhhhh the pain , it hurts aaahhhhh!

Cassidy once again, had flashbacks of her mother bleeding out in front of her and immediately ran to call an ambulance for him.The emergency operator answered the phone;

911 operator: 911, what is the nature of your emergency?
Cassidy:(Crying) My friend is on the floor dying!
911 operator: Ma'am please remain calm. We're dispatching an emergency response team to your location.
Cassidy:(Crying) Thank you!
911 operator: They will be there in a few minutes, now sweetheart, I need you to remain by your friend until they arrive ok?
Cassidy:(Crying) Yes ma'am!

As Cassidy remained by Jordan's side, the thunderstorm raged outside.Jordan tried to control his condition, but he could not and it continued to course throughout his entire body.

Cassidy covered her ears to the sound of Jordan's cries of pain and the storm that continued outside, until she had another flashback of her humming a tune in the hospital to her mom.

She would open her eyes and see Jordan enduring his condition. Cassidy picked up jordans upper body and elevated him on her lap. She began to hum the tune from last night, but this time added words to the tune;

Cassidy:(singing) Theee angel criesss...for the love of her lifeee...she would give her soul... tooo make things right....her prayers to the king, ended in despair...allll of her dreams, rested in the air...the Lord of her life, herd her prayer and cry....he returned her love, toooo a brand new lifeeeee.

As she was singing a response team opened the front door and called out to Cassidy. She responded and assisted the team in placing Jordan on the strecher. As the ambulance leaves with him, cass folows them in her car.

Upon arriving at the hospital, cass ran in and bumped into Wendy. She began crying, as she told the doctor's Assistant that her friend is here because of her.

As her and Wendy walked down the hall talking, doctor Smith approached and spoke to them. Cassidy yelled at the doctor for not saving her mother two years ago and told him he better save her friend!

Doctor Smith promised her he would save Jordan and entered the C.C room, as wendy told cassidy to go take a shower and wait in the lobby.

Seconds became minutes and minutes became hours, As Cassidy fell asleep in the lobby.
She awoke to the sight of Wendy telling her Jordan is okay.

As she took cass to him outside, she immediately started running until she ran into Jordan and hugged him. As tears fell from her eyes, she apologized to him.

Cassidy:(crying) Jordan....Jordan....Jordan....I'm so sorry
Jordan: It's okay Cassidy, I'm fine and you don't have to apologize!

EPILOGUE: Jordan is in class after. finishing their investigation project, when Cassidy peeked behind the door and asked Jordan to go out with her shopping.

The two went to the New Year Shopping mall and visited several stores and played a Dance Revolution Game. As they left, Cassidy spoke to Jordan;

Cassidy: Jordan, can we do this again?
Jordan: Yes!
Cassidy: Will you wait for me to graduate?
Cassidy: If I'm ever in any pain will you....
Jordan: Yes, I will Share your Pain!

The End!

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