

The 13 year old who became an orphan
One day there was a happy family of three Mr Gash and Mrs Gash and their daughter Fawn. They named her from the cartoon called Tinkerbell the character named Fawn in it. Their daughter was born on January 3rd 2001.In 2014 she became 13. They celebrated her birthday because it was her first year of becoming a teenager. They told her " Fawn since it is your birthday you can go out and explore the town don't be far though remember we lived in the woods". " Ok mom" she replied. "Come back by 5 pm".Then she went out and explored town until it past the time she was to go home it was 7' o clock. She got scared she quickly ran back to the woods to her house when she found her house she realized it was dark. But she went inside turn on the lights she didn't saw her parents. She began to burst in tears. She stayed inside until morning. After her sleep she wakes up and still didn't saw her parents there. She ran away to nowhere crying asking herself "where could my parents be". She decided to went back in town. she found some people dead lying on the streets other people came out and saw her. A lady said " Your parents died while looking for you". How? Fawn asked immediately. The lady replied " well while you were in town they came to look for you in the 6 am when you were at the other side of town there were deadly fireworks crashing here it killed couple of people including your parents." " I'm sorry" the woman said. Fawn fell down and cried hard" it's my fault they died on my birthday"."Yesterday was your birthday"? asked the woman. Yes fawn replied." Sorry for your lost you can come and stay with me". "For now on call me Mom" the woman said. Ok fawn replied. After years when she finally became a happy grown up with the help of the woman she still thinks about her parents. She prayed to God everyday that they'll forgive her she shouldn't have disobeyed them in the first place.